Misita Anwar
Misita Anwar
Monash university, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Swinburne Unviersity of TEchnology
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Cited by
Exploring the information worlds of older persons during disasters
N Pang, S Karanasios, M Anwar
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (6 …, 2020
Critical success factors affecting implementation of cloud ERP systems: A systematic literature review with future research possibilities
Q Huang, M Rahim, S Foster, M Anwar
A participatory approach for empowering community engagement in data governance: The Monash Net Zero Precinct
D Sharp, M Anwar, S Goodwin, R Raven, L Bartram, L Kamruzzaman
Data & Policy 4, e5, 2022
Mobile Phones and the Well‐Being of Blind Micro‐Entrepreneurs in Indonesia
M Anwar, G Johanson
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 67 (1 …, 2015
Documentation in a community informatics project: the creation and sharing of information by women in Bangladesh
V Frings-Hessami, A Sarker, G Oliver, M Anwar
Journal of Documentation 76 (2), 552-570, 2020
Sociotechnical transformative effects of an ICT project in rural Bangladesh
L Stillman, M Sarrica, M Anwar, A Sarker, M Farinosi
American Behavioral Scientist 64 (13), 1871-1888, 2020
Empowering women through access to information: the sustainability of a community informatics project in Bangladesh
M Anwar, V Frings-Hessami
Sustainable Digital Communities: 15th International Conference, iConference …, 2020
Mobile phones and the livelihoods of Indonesian micro-entrepreneurs: Evidence of capability expansion
M Anwar
Co-designing digital platforms for volunteer-led migrant community welfare support
JP Seguin, D Varghese, M Anwar, T Bartindale, P Olivier
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 247-262, 2022
“When people come to me for suggestions, I feel like an expert”: Empowering women through smartphones in rural Bangladesh
A Sarker, M Biswas, M Anwar, L Stillman, G Oliver
Technology and women's empowerment, 181-199, 2021
Factors affecting the integration of ICT in education
SR Sokku, M Anwar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1244 (1), 012043, 2019
Mobile phones and religion: The case of women micro-entrepreneurs in a religious community in Indonesia
M Anwar, G Johanson
Islam and Development, 135-152, 2016
Collective aspects of information literacy in developing countries: a Bangladeshi case
M Anwar, G Oliver, V Frings-Hessami, M Saha, A Sarker
Journal of Documentation 78 (6), 1305-1320, 2022
ICT Strategy and Micro-Entrepreneurs Growth: The Indonesian Case
M Anwar, YA Djawad
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1244 (1), 012038, 2019
Understanding Cloud-based ERP Customization from Key Stakeholders' Perspectives: a Research Model.
Q Huang, GC Oliver, MDM Mahbubur, M Anwar, S Foster
ECIS, 2021
Mobile phones, family and personal relationships: the case of Indonesian micro-entrepreneurs
M Anwar, G Johanson
Social Informatics: 4th International Conference, SocInfo 2012, Lausanne …, 2012
Understanding information and communication opportunities and challenges for rural women through the sustainable livelihood framework
M Biswas, M Anwar, L Stillman, G Oliver
International Conference on Information, 175-191, 2022
Talk, smartphones, notebooks, and brown paper
L Stillman, M Anwar, A Sarker, V Frings-Hessami, G Oliver
ICT and International Learning Ecologies, 17-41, 2021
A taxonomy of challenges for cloud ERP systems implementation
Q Huang, M Anwar, G Oliver, M Rahim
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2022, 7234-7243, 2022
Smart Chicken Poultry Farm Using IoT Techniques (smart-chicken-poultry-farm-using-iot-techniques)
F Syafar, M Anwar, R Ridwansyah
Smart Chicken Poultry Farm Using IoT Techniques (smart-chicken-poultry-farm …, 2021
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Articles 1–20