Yili Lu
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Cited by
An empirical model for estimating soil thermal conductivity from texture, water content, and bulk density
Y Lu, S Lu, R Horton, T Ren
Soil Science Society of America Journal 78 (6), 1859-1868, 2014
A simplified de V ries‐based model to estimate thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen soil
Z Tian, Y Lu, R Horton, T Ren
European Journal of Soil Science 67 (5), 564-572, 2016
Temporal changes of soil water retention behavior as affected by wetting and drying following tillage
M Zhang, Y Lu, J Heitman, R Horton, T Ren
Soil Science Society of America Journal 81 (6), 1288-1295, 2017
Using late time data improves the heat‐pulse method for estimating soil thermal properties with the pulsed infinite line source theory
Y Lu, Y Wang, T Ren
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4), 1-9, 2013
Improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for continuous in-situ determination of soil bulk density
Z Tian, Y Lu, T Ren, R Horton, JL Heitman
Soil and Tillage Research 178, 118-129, 2018
Thermo–time domain reflectometry method: Advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density
Y Lu, X Liu, M Zhang, J Heitman, R Horton, T Ren
Soil Science Society of America Journal 84 (5), 1354-1360, 2020
Specific heat capacity of soil solids: Influences of clay content, organic matter, and tightly bound water
Y Wang, Y Lu, R Horton, T Ren
Soil Science Society of America Journal 83 (4), 1062-1066, 2019
An improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for determination of ice contents in partially frozen soils
Z Tian, T Ren, Y Kojima, Y Lu, R Horton, JL Heitman
Journal of Hydrology 555, 786-796, 2017
A generalized relationship between thermal conductivity and matric suction of soils
S Lu, Y Lu, W Peng, Z Ju, T Ren
Geoderma 337, 491-497, 2019
Advances in the heat‐pulse technique: Improvements in measuring soil thermal properties
G Liu, Y Lu, M Wen, T Ren, R Horton
Soil Science Society of America Journal 84 (5), 1361-1370, 2020
An empirical model for estimating soil thermal diffusivity from texture, bulk density, and degree of saturation
X Xie, Y Lu, T Ren, R Horton
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (2), 445-457, 2018
An improved thermo‐TDR technique for monitoring soil thermal properties, water content, bulk density, and porosity
W Peng, Y Lu, X Xie, T Ren, R Horton
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-9, 2019
Determining soil bulk density with thermo‐time domain reflectometry: A thermal conductivity‐based approach
Y Lu, X Liu, J Heitman, R Horton, T Ren
Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (1), 48-54, 2016
Accounting for soil porosity improves a thermal inertia model for estimating surface soil water content
Y Lu, R Horton, X Zhang, T Ren
Remote Sensing of Environment 212, 79-89, 2018
Root-induced changes in soil thermal and dielectric properties should not be ignored
Y Fu, Y Lu, J Heitman, T Ren
Geoderma 370, 114352, 2020
Simultaneous determination of soil bulk density and water content: A heat pulse‐based method
Y Lu, R Horton, T Ren
European Journal of Soil Science 69 (5), 947-952, 2018
Estimating soil water suction from texture, bulk density and electrical resistivity
L Liu, Y Lu, Y Fu, R Horton, T Ren
Geoderma 409, 115630, 2022
Structural changes of compacted soil layers in northeast China due to freezing-thawing processes
L Wang, H Wang, Z Tian, Y Lu, W Gao, T Ren
Sustainability 12 (4), 1587, 2020
Determination of soil bulk density dynamic in a Vertisol during wetting and drying cycles using combined soil water content and thermal property sensors
Y Wang, Z Zhang, Z Tian, Y Lu, T Ren, X Peng
Geoderma 428, 116149, 2022
Tangent line/second‐order bounded mean oscillation waveform analysis for short TDR probe
Z Wang, Y Lu, Y Kojima, S Lu, M Zhang, Y Chen, R Horton
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (1), 1-7, 2016
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Articles 1–20