Shah Jamal Alam
Shah Jamal Alam
Habib University
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Combining agent functional types, capitals and services to model land use dynamics
D Murray-Rust, C Brown, J van Vliet, SJ Alam, DT Robinson, PH Verburg, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 59, 187-201, 2014
Land-use change arising from rural land exchange: an agent-based simulation model
MM Bakker, SJ Alam, J van Dijk, MDA Rounsevell
Landscape Ecology 30 (2), 273-286, 2015
Sustainable agricultural development in a rural area in the Netherlands? Assessing impacts of climate and socio-economic change at farm and landscape level
P Reidsma, M Bakker, A Kanellopoulos, SJ Alam, W Paas, J Kros, ...
Agricultural Systems 141, 160-173, 2015
Networks in Agent-based Social Simulation
SJ Alam, A Geller
Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems, 199-216, 2012
A Socio‐Political and‐Cultural Model of the War in Afghanistan
A Geller, SJ Alam
International Studies Review 12 (1), 8-30, 2010
Episodic HIV Risk Behavior Can Greatly Amplify HIV Prevalence and the Fraction of Transmissions from Acute HIV Infection
X Zhang, L Zhong, E Romero-Severson, SJ Alam, CJ Henry, EM Volz, ...
Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases 4 (1), 5, 2012
Experiments in Globalisation, Food Security and Land Use Decision Making
C Brown, D Murray-Rust, J van Vliet, SJ Alam, PH Verburg, ...
Plos One 9 (12), 2014
The impact of HIV/AIDS in the context of socioeconomic stressors: an evidence-driven approach
SJ Alam, R Meyer, G Ziervogel, S Moss
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 10 (4), 7, 2007
Dynamic sex roles among men who have sex with men and transmissions from primary HIV infection
SJ Alam, E Romero-Severson, JH Kim, G Emond, JS Koopman
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 21 (5), 669-675, 2010
A model for HIV spread in a South African village
SJ Alam, R Meyer, E Norling
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation IX, 33-45, 2009
A scheme to analyze agent-based social simulations using exploratory data mining techniques
MH Patel, MA Abbasi, M Saeed, SJ Alam
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 6, 1-17, 2018
Heterogeneity in Number and Type of Sexual Contacts in a Gay Urban Cohort
EO Romero-Severson, SJ Alam, EM Volz, JS Koopman
Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases 4 (1), 4, 2012
Sociological implications of gift exchange in multiagent systems
SJ Alam, F Hillebrandt, M Schillo
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (3), 5, 2005
Impacts of agricultural changes in response to climate and socioeconomic change on nitrogen deposition in nature reserves
J Kros, MM Bakker, P Reidsma, A Kanellopoulos, SJ Alam, W de Vries
Landscape Ecology 30 (5), 871-885, 2015
Modelling Contextualized Reasoning in Complex Societies with" Endorsements".
SJ Alam, A Geller, R Meyer, B Werth
Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation 13 (4), 6, 2010
An investigation of growth profiles of the Pakistani children
SA Kamal, S Firdous, SJ Alam
International, 2004
Acute-Stage Transmission of HIV: Effect of Volatile Contact Rates
EO Romero-Severson, SJ Alam, E Volz, J Koopman
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 24 (4), 516-521, 2013
Detectable Signals of Episodic Risk Effects on Acute HIV Transmission: Strategies for Analysing Transmission Systems Using Genetic Data
SJ Alam, X Zhang, EO Romero-Severson, C Henry, L Zhong, EM Volz, ...
Epidemics 5 (1), 44-55, 2013
The feasibility of implementing an ecological network in The Netherlands under conditions of global change
M Bakker, SJ Alam, J van Dijk, M Rounsevell, T Spek, A van den Brink
Landscape Ecology 30 (5), 791-804, 2015
Identifying Structural Changes in Networks Generated from Agent-Based Social Simulation Models
SJ Alam, B Edmonds, R Meyer
Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems, 298-307, 2009
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Articles 1–20