Linda PJ Lipsen
Linda PJ Lipsen
Other namesLinda Jennings
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Threats to Canadian species at risk: an analysis of finalized recovery strategies
JL McCune, WL Harrower, S Avery-Gomm, JM Brogan, AM Csergő, ...
Biological Conservation 166, 254-265, 2013
Herbarium records indicate variation in bloom-time sensitivity to temperature across a geographically diverse region
CW Kopp, BM Neto-Bradley, LPJ Lipsen, J Sandhar, S Smith
International journal of biometeorology 64, 873-880, 2020
Macroevolutionary history predicts flowering time but not phenological sensitivity to temperature in grasses
BM Neto‐Bradley, J Whitton, LPJ Lipsen, MW Pennell
American Journal of Botany 108 (5), 893-902, 2021
Genetic and ecological differences between two Utah endemics: US federally threatened Townsendia aprica and its close congener, T. jonesii var. lutea (Asteraceae)
LPJ Lipsen, C Lee, J Whitton
Botany 91 (4), 242-250, 2013
Vascular plant type specimens in the University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC)
JM Saarela, L Lipsen, CM Sayre, J Whitton
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 437-448, 2007
Pressed Plants: Making a Herbarium
LPJ Lipsen
University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC)-Vascular Plant Collection
LPJ Lipsen, M Pitblado, J Whitton, S Graham, Q Cronk
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Articles 1–7