Anqi Li
Anqi Li
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Formally correct composition of coordinated behaviors using control barrier certificates
A Li, L Wang, P Pierpaoli, M Egerstedt
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Euclideanizing flows: Diffeomorphic reduction for learning stable dynamical systems
MA Rana, A Li, D Fox, B Boots, F Ramos, N Ratliff
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 630-639, 2020
Geometric fabrics: Generalizing classical mechanics to capture the physics of behavior
K Van Wyk, M Xie, A Li, MA Rana, B Babich, B Peele, Q Wan, I Akinola, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 3202-3209, 2022
TerrainNet: Visual Modeling of Complex Terrain for High-speed, Off-road Navigation
X Meng, N Hatch, A Lambert, A Li, N Wagener, M Schmittle, JH Lee, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15771, 2023
Learning reactive motion policies in multiple task spaces from human demonstrations
MA Rana, A Li, H Ravichandar, M Mukadam, S Chernova, D Fox, B Boots, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 1457-1468, 2020
Composable energy policies for reactive motion generation and reinforcement learning
J Urain, A Li, P Liu, C D’Eramo, J Peters
The International Journal of Robotics Research 42 (10), 827-858, 2023
Generalized nonlinear and finsler geometry for robotics
ND Ratliff, K Van Wyk, M Xie, A Li, MA Rana
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10206 …, 2021
Survival instinct in offline reinforcement learning
A Li, D Misra, A Kolobov, CA Cheng
Advances in neural information processing systems 36, 2024
Geometric Fabrics for the Acceleration-based Design of Robotic Motion
M Xie, K Van Wyk, A Li, MA Rana, Q Wan, D Fox, B Boots, N Ratliff
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.14750, 2020
Optimization fabrics
ND Ratliff, K Van Wyk, M Xie, A Li, MA Rana
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02399, 2020
RMP2: A Structured Composable Policy Class for Robot Learning
A Li, CA Cheng, MA Rana, M Xie, K Van Wyk, N Ratliff, B Boots
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05922, 2021
Mahalo: Unifying offline reinforcement learning and imitation learning from observations
A Li, B Boots, CA Cheng
International Conference on Machine Learning, 19360-19384, 2023
A Sequential Composition Framework for Coordinating Multirobot Behaviors
P Pierpaoli, A Li, M Srinivasan, X Cai, S Coogan, M Egerstedt
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37 (3), 864-876, 2020
Multi-Objective Policy Generation for Multi-Robot Systems Using Riemannian Motion Policies
A Li, M Mukadam, M Egerstedt, B Boots
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.05177, 2019
Stable, concurrent controller composition for multi-objective robotic tasks
A Li, CA Cheng, B Boots, M Egerstedt
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1144-1151, 2019
Model Predictive Control for Aggressive Driving Over Uneven Terrain
T Han, A Liu, A Li, A Spitzer, G Shi, B Boots
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12284, 2023
Towards Coordinated Robot Motions: End-to-End Learning of Motion Policies on Transform Trees
MA Rana, A Li, D Fox, S Chernova, B Boots, N Ratliff
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Decentralized coordinated motion for a large team of robots preserving connectivity and avoiding collisions
A Li, W Luo, S Nagavalli, K Sycara
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1505-1511, 2017
Inferring and Learning Multi-Robot Policies by Observing an Expert
P Pierpaoli, H Ravichandar, N Waytowich, A Li, D Asher, M Egerstedt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.07887, 2019
Imitation learning via simultaneous optimization of policies and auxiliary trajectories
M Xie, A Li, K Van Wyk, F Dellaert, B Boots, N Ratliff
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03019, 2021
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