Corey Hudson
Cited by
Cited by
Resistance Determinants and Mobile Genetic Elements of an NDM-1-Encoding Klebsiella pneumoniae Strain
CM Hudson, B Zachary W., RJ Meagher, KP Williams
PLoS One, 2014
Metabolic and evolutionary costs of herbivory defense: systems biology of glucosinolate synthesis
M Bekaert, PP Edger, CM Hudson, JC Pires, GC Conant
New Phytologist 196 (2), 596-605, 2012
Islander: a database of precisely mapped genomic islands in tRNA and tmRNA genes
CM Hudson, BY Lau, KP Williams
Nucleic acids research 43 (D1), D48-D53, 2015
RNAcentral: an international database of ncRNA sequences
The RNAcentral Consortium
Nucleic Acids Research 43 (D1), D123-D129, 2015
BioCompoundML: a general biofuel property screening tool for biological molecules using random forest classifiers
LS Whitmore, RW Davis, RL McCormick, JM Gladden, BA Simmons, ...
Energy & Fuels 30 (10), 8410-8418, 2016
Packet2vec: Utilizing word2vec for feature extraction in packet data
EL Goodman, C Zimmerman, C Hudson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14477, 2020
Ends of the line for tmRNA-SmpB
CM Hudson, B Lau, KP Williams
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 421, 2014
Selection for higher gene copy number after different types of plant gene duplications
CM Hudson, EE Puckett, M Bekaert, JC Pires, GC Conant
Genome Biology and Evolution 3, 1369-1380, 2011
The tmRNA website
CM Hudson, KP Williams
Nucleic Acids Research 43 (D1), D138-D140, 2015
Benchmarking blockchain-based gene-drug interaction data sharing methods: a case study from the iDASH 2019 secure genome analysis competition blockchain track
TT Kuo, T Bath, S Ma, N Pattengale, M Yang, Y Cao, CM Hudson, J Kim, ...
International journal of medical informatics 154, 104559, 2021
Expression level, cellular compartment and metabolic network position all influence the average selective constraint on mammalian enzymes
CM Hudson, GC Conant
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1-11, 2011
New candidates for regulated gene integrity revealed through precise mapping of integrative genetic elements
CM Mageeney, BY Lau, JM Wagner, CM Hudson, JS Schoeniger, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (8), 4052-4065, 2020
Defending our public biological databases as a global critical infrastructure
J Caswell, JD Gans, N Generous, CM Hudson, E Merkley, C Johnson, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 58, 2019
Decentralized genomics audit logging via permissioned blockchain ledgering
ND Pattengale, CM Hudson
BMC medical genomics 13, 1-9, 2020
Mapping chemical performance on molecular structures using locally interpretable explanations
LS Whitmore, A George, CM Hudson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.07443, 2016
RetSynth: determining all optimal and sub-optimal synthetic pathways that facilitate synthesis of target compounds in chassis organisms
LS Whitmore, B Nguyen, A Pinar, A George, CM Hudson
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-14, 2019
Experimental single-strain mobilomics reveals events that shape pathogen emergence
JS Schoeniger, CM Hudson, ZW Bent, A Sinha, KP Williams
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (14), 6830-6839, 2016
A conserved mammalian protein interaction network
Ĺ Pérez-Bercoff, CM Hudson, GC Conant
PloS one 8 (1), e52581, 2013
Walter Taylor and the history of American archaeology
CM Hudson
Journal of anthropological archaeology 27 (2), 192-200, 2008
Lignin‐modifying processes in the rhizosphere of arid land grasses
CM Hudson, E Kirton, MI Hutchinson, JL Redfern, B Simmons, ...
Environmental Microbiology 17 (12), 4965-4978, 2015
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Articles 1–20