João Puga
João Puga
Researcher and Environmental Consultant, University of Aveiro
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Cited by
Trends in the discovery of new marine natural products from invertebrates over the last two decades–where and what are we bioprospecting?
MC Leal, J Puga, J Serodio, NCM Gomes, R Calado
PLoS One 7 (1), e30580, 2012
Biogeography and biodiscovery hotspots of macroalgal marine natural products
MC Leal, MHG Munro, JW Blunt, J Puga, B Jesus, R Calado, R Rosa, ...
Natural product reports 30 (11), 1380-1390, 2013
Bioprospecting of marine invertebrates for new natural products—A chemical and zoogeographical perspective
MC Leal, C Madeira, CA Brandão, J Puga, R Calado
Molecules 17 (8), 9842-9854, 2012
Marine ornamental fish imports in the European Union: an economic perspective
MC Leal, MCM Vaz, J Puga, RJM Rocha, C Brown, R Rosa, R Calado
Fish and Fisheries 17 (2), 459-468, 2016
Feeding inhibition following in-situ and laboratory exposure as an indicator of ecotoxic impacts of wildfires in affected waterbodies
A Ré, I Campos, J Puga, JJ Keizer, FJM Gonçalves, JL Pereira, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 227, 105587, 2020
Wildfire effects on two freshwater producers: Combining in-situ and laboratory bioassays
A Ré, I Campos, MJ Saraiva, J Puga, JJ Keizer, FJM Gonçalves, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 194, 110361, 2020
Long‐term impacts of post‐fire mulching on ground‐dwelling arthropod communities in a eucalypt plantation
JRL Puga, NJC Abrantes, MJS de Oliveira, DCS Vieira, SR Faria, ...
Land Degradation & Development 28 (3), 1156-1162, 2017
A importância do Salgado para a gestão da avifauna limícola invernante na Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
R Morgado, M Nobre, A Ribeiro, J Puga, A Luís
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada-Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone …, 2009
Biochar in vineyards: Impact on soil quality and crop yield four years after the application
C Ferreira, F Verheijen, J Puga, J Keizer, A Ferreira
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1600, 2017
Utilização do gastrópode aquático Physa acuta em ensaios in situ
MJ Saraiva, JR Puga, A Ré, I Campos, F Gonçalves, JJ Keizer, ...
Revista Captar: Ciência e Ambiente para Todos 7 (1), 93-102, 2018
Influência da utilização de uma cobertura orgânica no restabelecimento a médio-longo prazo das comunidades de invertebrados do solo em áreas ardidas de eucalipto
JRL Puga, MJS de Oliveira, AC Bastos, F Gonçalves, JJ Keizer, ...
Revista Captar: Ciência e Ambiente para Todos 7 (1), 26-38, 2018
Effect of bench terracing on ground dwelling arthropods
LB Simões, MAS Martins, JRL Puga, JJ Keizer, N Abrantes
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-12387, 2021
Differences in soil quality between organic and conventional farming over a maize crop season
C Ferreira, A Veiga, J Puga, R Kikuchi, A Ferreira
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1687, 2017
Assessing off-site impacts of wildfires on aquatic organisms using in-situ assays
A Ré, MJ Saraiva, J Puga, I Campos, J Pereira, J Keizer, F Goncalves, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13895, 2017
Recent advances towards an integrated assessment of wildfire effects in forest plantations in Portugal
JJ Keizer, N Abrantes, JP Nunes, A Caetano, I Campos, S Faria, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14369, 2017
Effectiveness of two contrasting mulching rates to reduce post-fire soil and organic matter losses
F Silva, S Prats, D Vieira, J Puga, R Lopes, O Gonzaléz-Pelayo, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15136, 2017
Towards an integrated assessment of the impacts of forest residue mulching following wildfire in eucalypt plantations in north-central Portugal
JJ Keizer, N Abrantes, A Bastos, M Brandsma, I Campos, S Faria, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-8400, 2016
Trends in the Discovery of New Marine Natural Products from Invertebrates over the Last Two
MC Leal, J Puga, J Serôdio, NCM Gomes, R Calado
European marine invertebrates as a source for new drugs in the last two decades
VC Mota, MC Leal, J Puga, H El-Shaffey, J Serôdio, N Gomes, R Calado
Aquaculture Europe 2011-" Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020", 2011
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Articles 1–19