Evan Hersh
Evan Hersh
Mitacs postdoctoral fellow | Vancouver Island University | High Country Wildlife
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Attack of the clones: reproductive interference between sexuals and asexuals in the Crepis agamic complex
E Hersh, J Grimm, J Whitton
Ecology and Evolution 6 (18), 6473-6483, 2016
Sexual antagonism in the pistil varies among populations of a hermaphroditic mixed‐mating plant
E Hersh, JA Madjidian, S Andersson, M Strandh, WS Armbruster, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (7), 1321-1334, 2015
A clone together: exploring the causes and consequences of range divergence between sexual and asexual Easter daisies
EW Hersh
University of British Columbia, 2020
Dispersal and establishment traits provide a colonization advantage for a polyploid apomictic plant
EW Hersh, ARL Medina, J Whitton
American Journal of Botany 110 (4), e16149, 2023
Data from: Dispersal and establishment traits provide a colonization advantage for a polyploid apomictic plant
E Hersh
Methods 2023, 02-08, 2024
Stabilizing selection and mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis)
KJ Forbes, MIA Barrera, K Nielsen-Roine, EW Hersh, JK Janes, ...
Genome, 2024
Correction: Diversity among rare and common congeneric plant species from the Garry oak and Okanagan shrub-steppe ecosystems in British Columbia: implications for conservation
EW Hersh, EJ Wheeler, B Costanzo, AP Ramakrishnan, AE Miscampbell, ...
Botany 101 (3), 98-98, 2023
Diversity among rare and common congeneric plant species from the Garry oak and Okanagan shrub-steppe ecosystems in British Columbia: implications for conservation
EW Hersh, EJ Wheeler, B Costanzo, AP Ramakrishnan, AE Miscampbell, ...
Botany 101 (1), 1-14, 2022
Investigating the evolutionary consequences of sexual conflict through pollen and pistil traits in several Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae) populations
E Hersh
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Articles 1–9