Kwan Ok Lee
Cited by
Cited by
What happens to household formation in a recession?
KO Lee, G Painter
Journal of Urban Economics 76, 93-109, 2013
Housing tenure transitions of older households: Life cycle, demographic, and familial factors
G Painter, KO Lee
Regional Science and Urban Economics 39 (6), 749-760, 2009
COVID-19 impact on city and region: what’s next after lockdown?
M Kang, Y Choi, J Kim, KO Lee, S Lee, IK Park, J Park, I Seo
International Journal of Urban Sciences 24 (3), 297-315, 2020
Housing affordability: A framing, synthesis of research and policy, and future directions
G Galster, KO Lee
International Journal of Urban Sciences 25 (sup1), 7-58, 2021
Mortgages, Risk, and Homeownership among Low-and Moderate-Income Families
RW Bostic, KO Lee
American Economic Review 98 (2), 310, 2008
Homeownership: America’s dream?
RW Bostic, KO Lee
Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit, and Banking among Low-Income …, 2009
Introduction to the special issue of the Global crisis in housing affordability
G Galster, K Ok Lee
International Journal of Urban Sciences 25 (sup1), 1-6, 2021
Green space accessibility helps buffer declined mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from big data in the United Kingdom
KO Lee, KM Mai, S Park
Nature Mental Health 1 (2), 124-134, 2023
Potential crime risk and housing market responses
S Kim, KO Lee
Journal of Urban Economics 108, 1-17, 2018
Why do renters stay in or leave certain neighborhoods? The role of neighborhood characteristics, housing tenure transitions, and race
KO Lee
Journal of Regional Science 54 (5), 755-787, 2014
The long-run effects of neighborhood change on incumbent families
N Baum-Snow, D Hartley, KO Lee
Working Paper, 2019
Neighborhood trajectories of low-income US households: An application of sequence analysis
KO Lee, R Smith, G Galster
Journal of Urban Affairs 39 (3), 335-357, 2017
Conspicuous consumption and household indebtedness
KO Lee, M Mori
Real Estate Economics, 2019
Do conspicuous consumers pay higher housing premiums?: Spatial and temporal variation in the US
KO Lee, M Mori
Real Estate Economics, Forthcoming, 2014
Temporal dynamics of racial segregation in the United States: An analysis of household residential mobility
KO Lee
Journal of Urban Affairs, 2016
Housing Tenure Transitions of Older Households: What is the Role of Child Proximity?
G Painter, KO Lee
Real Estate Economics, Forthcoming, 2012
The impact of housing on community: A review of scholarly theories and empirical research
A Von Hoffman, ES Belsky, KO Lee
Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University, 2006
Subsidized housing and residential trajectories: An application of matched sequence analysis
KO Lee, R Smith, G Galster
Housing Policy Debate 27 (6), 843-874, 2017
Public responses to COVID‐19 case disclosure and their spatial implications
KO Lee, H Lee
Journal of Regional Science 62 (3), 732-756, 2022
How (Un) affordable is housing in developing Asia?
M Helble, K Ok Lee, MA Gia Arbo
International Journal of Urban Sciences 25 (sup1), 80-110, 2021
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Articles 1–20