Stuart B Weiss
Stuart B Weiss
Creekside Center for Earth Observation
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GLM versus CCA spatial modeling of plant species distribution
A Guisan, SB Weiss, AD Weiss
Plant ecology 143, 107-122, 1999
Leaf size, specific leaf area and microhabitat distribution of chaparral woody plants: contrasting patterns in species level and community level analyses
D Ackerly, C Knight, S Weiss, K Barton, K Starmer
Oecologia 130, 449-457, 2002
The geography of climate change: implications for conservation biogeography
DD Ackerly, SR Loarie, WK Cornwell, SB Weiss, H Hamilton, ...
Diversity and distributions 16 (3), 476-487, 2010
Sun, slope, and butterflies: topographic determinants of habitat quality for Euphydryas editha
SB Weiss, DD Murphy, RR White
Ecology 69 (5), 1486-1496, 1988
Cars, cows, and checkerspot butterflies: nitrogen deposition and management of nutrient‐poor grasslands for a threatened species
SB Weiss
Conservation Biology 13 (6), 1476-1486, 1999
An environment‐metapopulation approach to population viability analysis for a threatened invertebrate
DD Murphy, KE Freas, SB Weiss
Conservation Biology 4 (1), 41-51, 1990
Nitrogen critical loads and management alternatives for N-impacted ecosystems in California
ME Fenn, EB Allen, SB Weiss, S Jovan, LH Geiser, GS Tonnesen, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 91 (12), 2404-2423, 2010
The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature's stage in a time of rapid change
JJ Lawler, DD Ackerly, CM Albano, MG Anderson, SZ Dobrowski, JL Gill, ...
Conservation Biology 29 (3), 618-629, 2015
Landscape-scale evaluation of understory light and canopy structures: methods and application in a neotropical lowland rain forest
DB Clark, DA Clark, PM Rich, S Weiss, SF Oberbauer
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (5), 747-757, 1996
GIS-based solar radiation flux models
WA Hetrick, PM Rich, FJ Barnes, SB Weiss
ACSM ASPRS annual convention 3, 132-132, 1993
Effects of abiotic factors on the distribution and activity of the invasive Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
KG Human, S Weiss, A Weiss, B Sandler, DM Gordon
Environmental entomology 27 (4), 822-833, 1998
Effects of climate change on biological diversity in western North America: species losses and mechanisms
DD Murphy, SB Weiss
Global warming and biological diversity, 355-368, 1992
On-road emissions of ammonia: An underappreciated source of atmospheric nitrogen deposition
ME Fenn, A Bytnerowicz, SL Schilling, DM Vallano, ES Zavaleta, ...
Science of the Total Environment 625, 909-919, 2018
Growth and dispersal of larvae of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha
SB Weiss, RR White, DD Murphy, PR Ehrlich
Oikos, 161-166, 1987
Plant species distributions under present conditions and forecasted for warmer climates in an arid mountain range
CM Van de Ven, SB Weiss, WG Ernst
Earth Interactions 11 (9), 1-33, 2007
Adult emergence phenology in checkerspot butterflies: the effects of macroclimate, topoclimate, and population history
SB Weiss, DD Murphy, PR Ehrlich, CF Metzler
Oecologia 96, 261-270, 1993
Estimating female reproductive success of a threatened butterfly: influence of emergence time and hostplant phenology
JH Cushman, CL Boggs, SB Weiss, DD Murphy, AW Harvey, PR Ehrlich
Oecologia 99, 194-200, 1994
Ecological studies and the conservation of the bay checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis
DD Murphy, SB Weiss
Biological Conservation 46 (3), 183-200, 1988
A geographic mosaic of climate change impacts on terrestrial vegetation: which areas are most at risk?
DD Ackerly, WK Cornwell, SB Weiss, LE Flint, AL Flint
PloS one 10 (6), e0130629, 2015
Modeling insolation on complex surfaces
WA Hetrick, PM Rich, SB Weiss
Thirteenth annual ESRI user conference 2, 447-458, 1993
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Articles 1–20