Simon Tindemans
Simon Tindemans
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Decentralized Control of Thermostatic Loads for Flexible Demand Response
SH Tindemans, V Trovato, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015
WCSAC: Worst-case soft actor critic for safety-constrained reinforcement learning
Q Yang, TD Simão, SH Tindemans, MTJ Spaan
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (12), 10639 …, 2021
Implementation of a Massively Parallel Dynamic Security Assessment Platform for Large-Scale Grids
I Konstantelos, G Jamgotchian, SH Tindemans, P Duchesne, S Cole, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (3), 1417-1426, 2017
Survival of the aligned: ordering of the plant cortical microtubule array
SH Tindemans, RJ Hawkins, BM Mulder
Physical review letters 104 (5), 058103, 2010
The leaky storage model for optimal multi-service allocation of thermostatic loads
V Trovato, SH Tindemans, G Strbac
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2015
Low Carbon London project: Data from the dynamic time-of-use electricity pricing trial, 2013
JR Schofield, R Carmichael, S Tindemans, M Bilton, M Woolf, G Strbac
uK Data Service, SN 7857 (2015), 7857-1, 2015
Data-Driven Power System Operation: Exploring the Balance Between Cost and Risk
JL Cremer, I Konstantelos, SH Tindemans, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 791-801, 2019
Model for the orientational ordering of the plant microtubule cortical array
RJ Hawkins, SH Tindemans, BM Mulder
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (1 …, 2010
Taking directions: the role of microtubule-bound nucleation in the self-organization of the plant cortical array
EE Deinum, SH Tindemans, BM Mulder
Physical biology 8 (5), 056002, 2011
Residential consumer responsiveness to time-varying pricing
J Schofield, R Carmichael, S Tindemans, M Woolf, M Bilton, G Strbac
The diffusive vesicle supply center model for tip growth in fungal hyphae
SH Tindemans, N Kern, BM Mulder
Journal of theoretical biology 238 (4), 937-948, 2006
How selective severing by katanin promotes order in the plant cortical microtubule array
EE Deinum, SH Tindemans, JJ Lindeboom, BM Mulder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (27), 6942-6947, 2017
Bayesian calibration at the urban scale: a case study on a large residential heating demand application in Amsterdam
CK Wang, S Tindemans, C Miller, G Agugiaro, J Stoter
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 13 (3), 347-361, 2020
Using Vine Copulas to Generate Representative System States for Machine Learning
I Konstantelos, M Sun, SH Tindemans, S Issad, P Panciatici, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 225-235, 2019
Cortical microtubule arrays are initiated from a nonrandom prepattern driven by atypical microtubule initiation
JJ Lindeboom, A Lioutas, EE Deinum, SH Tindemans, DW Ehrhardt, ...
Plant physiology 161 (3), 1189-1201, 2013
Safety-constrained reinforcement learning with a distributional safety critic
Q Yang, TD Simão, SH Tindemans, MTJ Spaan
Machine Learning 112 (3), 859-887, 2023
Detection of false data injection attacks using the autoencoder approach
C Wang, S Tindemans, K Pan, P Palensky
2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2020
Robust and automatic data cleansing method for short-term load forecasting of distribution feeders
N Huyghues-Beaufond, S Tindemans, P Falugi, M Sun, G Strbac
Applied Energy 261, 114405, 2020
Efficient event-driven simulations shed new light on microtubule organisation in the plant cortical array
SH Tindemans, EE Deinum, JJ Lindeboom, B Mulder
Biophysics 2, 19, 2014
Reliability Modeling Considerations for Emerging Cyber-Physical Power Systems
V Aravinthan, T Balachandran, M Ben-Idris, W Fei, M Heidari-Kapourchali, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2018
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