Beth Tellman
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Cited by
Satellite imaging reveals increased proportion of population exposed to floods
TAEDAS B. Tellman, J. A. Sullivan, C. Kuhn, A. J. Kettner, C. S. Doyle, G. R ...
Nature, 2021
Without inclusion, diversity initiatives may not be enough
C Puritty, LR Strickland, E Alia, B Blonder, E Klein, MT Kohl, E McGee, ...
Science 357 (6356), 1101-1102, 2017
Using Landsat and nighttime lights for supervised pixel-based image classification of urban land cover
R Goldblatt, MF Stuhlmacher, B Tellman, N Clinton, G Hanson, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 205, 253-275, 2018
Sen1Floods11: A georeferenced dataset to train and test deep learning flood algorithms for sentinel-1
D Bonafilia, B Tellman, T Anderson, E Issenberg
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Adaptive pathways and coupled infrastructure: seven centuries of adaptation to water risk and the production of vulnerability in Mexico City.
B Tellman, JC Bausch, H Eakin, D Manuel-Navarrete, CL Redman, ...
Ecology & Society 23 (1), 2018
Adapting to risk and perpetuating poverty: Household’s strategies for managing flood risk and water scarcity in Mexico City
H Eakin, AM Lerner, D Manuel-Navarrete, BH Aguilar, A Martínez-Canedo, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 66, 324-333, 2016
A spatio-temporal analysis of forest loss related to cocaine trafficking in Central America
LR Steven E Sesnie, Beth Tellman, David Wrathall, Kendra McSweeney, Erik ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (5), 2017
Modeling cocaine traffickers and counterdrug interdiction forces as a complex adaptive system
NR Magliocca, K McSweeney, SE Sesnie, E Tellman, JA Devine, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7784-7792, 2019
Narco‐cattle ranching in political forests
JA Devine, D Wrathall, N Currit, B Tellman, YR Langarica
Antipode 52 (4), 1018-1038, 2020
Using disaster outcomes to validate components of social vulnerability to floods: Flood deaths and property damage across the USA
B Tellman, C Schank, B Schwarz, PD Howe, A de Sherbinin
Sustainability 12 (15), 6006, 2020
Mainstreaming investments in watershed services to enhance water security: Barriers and opportunities
AL Vogl, JH Goldstein, GC Daily, B Vira, L Bremer, RI McDonald, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 75, 19-27, 2017
Illicit drivers of land use change: Narcotrafficking and forest loss in Central America
B Tellman, SE Sesnie, NR Magliocca, EA Nielsen, JA Devine, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102092, 2020
The impacts of cocaine-trafficking on conservation governance in Central America
DJ Wrathall, J Devine, B Aguilar-González, K Benessaiah, E Tellman, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102098, 2020
People and Pixels 20 years later: the current data landscape and research trends blending population and environmental data
TA Kugler, K Grace, DJ Wrathall, A de Sherbinin, D Van Riper, C Aubrecht, ...
Population and Environment 41, 209-234, 2019
The role of institutional entrepreneurs and informal land transactions in Mexico City’s urban expansion
B Tellman, H Eakin, MA Janssen, F de Alba, BL Turner Ii
World development 140, 105374, 2021
Understanding the role of illicit transactions in land-change dynamics
B Tellman, NR Magliocca, BL Turner, PH Verburg
Nature Sustainability 3 (3), 175-181, 2020
Governing the gaps in water governance and land-use planning in a megacity: The example of hydrological risk in Mexico City
AM Lerner, HC Eakin, E Tellman, JC Bausch, BH Aguilar
Cities 83, 61-70, 2018
Impact of Homeowner Association (HOA) landscaping guidelines on residential water use
BLT Elizabeth A Wentz, Sandra Rode, Xiaoxiao Li, Elizabeth M Tellman
Water Resources Research, 2016
Narco-degradation: Cocaine trafficking’s environmental impacts in Central America’s protected areas
JA Devine, D Wrathall, B Aguilar-González, K Benessaiah, B Tellman, ...
World Development 144, 105474, 2021
The post-conflict expansion of coca farming and illicit cattle ranching in Colombia
PJ Murillo-Sandoval, J Kilbride, E Tellman, D Wrathall, J Van Den Hoek, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1965, 2023
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Articles 1–20