Chris Sneddon
Chris Sneddon
Geography & Environmental Studies, Dartmouth College
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Cited by
Sustainable development in a post-Brundtland world
C Sneddon, RB Howarth, RB Norgaard
Ecological economics 57 (2), 253-268, 2006
Rethinking transboundary waters: A critical hydropolitics of the Mekong basin
C Sneddon, C Fox
Political geography 25 (2), 181-202, 2006
‘Sustainability’in ecological economics, ecology and livelihoods: a review
CS Sneddon
Progress in human geography 24 (4), 521-549, 2000
Concrete revolution: Large dams, Cold War geopolitics, and the US Bureau of Reclamation
C Sneddon
University of Chicago Press, 2019
“You kill the dam, you are killing a part of me”: Dam removal and the environmental politics of river restoration
CA Fox, FJ Magilligan, CS Sneddon
Geoforum 70, 93-104, 2016
Contested waters: Conflict, scale, and sustainability in aquatic socioecological systems
C Sneddon, L Harris, R Dimitrov, U Özesmi
Society &Natural Resources 15 (8), 663-675, 2002
Nature's materiality and the circuitous paths of accumulation: Dispossession of freshwater fisheries in Cambodia
C Sneddon
Antipode 39 (1), 167-193, 2007
River restoration by dam removal: Enhancing connectivity at watershed scales
FJ Magilligan, BE Graber, KH Nislow, JW Chipman, CS Sneddon, CA Fox
Elementa 4, 000108, 2016
Power, development, and institutional change: Participatory governance in the lower Mekong basin
C Sneddon, C Fox
World Development 35 (12), 2161-2181, 2007
Reconfiguring scale and power: the Khong-Chi-Mun project in northeast Thailand
C Sneddon
Environment and planning A 35 (12), 2229-2250, 2003
Struggles over dams as struggles for justice: The World Commission on Dams (WCD) and anti-dam campaigns in Thailand and Mozambique
C Sneddon, C Fox
Society and Natural Resources 21 (7), 625-640, 2008
Water conflicts and river basins: The contradictions of comanagement and scale in Northeast Thailand
C Sneddon
Society &Natural Resources 15 (8), 725-741, 2002
The social, historical, and institutional contingencies of dam removal
FJ Magilligan, CS Sneddon, CA Fox
Environmental Management 59, 982-994, 2017
Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen as growth poles: Regional industrial development in Thailand and its implications for urban sustainability
J Glassman, C Sneddon
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 590 (1 …, 2003
Toward a social and environmental history of the building of Cahora Bassa Dam
A Isaacman, C Sneddon
Journal of southern African studies 26 (4), 597-632, 2000
Contemporary water governance in the global South
LM Harris, JA Goldin, C Sneddon
Routledge, London, UK, 2013
The Cold War, the US Bureau of Reclamation, and the technopolitics of river basin development, 1950–1970
C Sneddon, C Fox
Political Geography 30 (8), 450-460, 2011
Transboundary river basin agreements in the Mekong and Zambezi basins: Enhancing environmental security or securitizing the environment?
CA Fox, C Sneddon
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 7, 237-261, 2007
The ‘sinew of development’: Cold War geopolitics, technical expertise, and water resource development in Southeast Asia, 1954–1975
C Sneddon
Social Studies of Science 42 (4), 564-590, 2012
Dam removals and river restoration in international perspective
C Sneddon, R Barraud, MA Germaine
Water Alternatives 10 (3), 648, 2017
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Articles 1–20