Consolación Gil
Consolación Gil
Full Professor of Computer Science, University of Almería
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Optimization methods applied to renewable and sustainable energy: A review
R Banos, F Manzano-Agugliaro, FG Montoya, C Gil, A Alcayde, J Gómez
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15 (4), 1753-1766, 2011
Scientific production of renewable energies worldwide: An overview
F Manzano-Agugliaro, A Alcayde, FG Montoya, A Zapata-Sierra, C Gil
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, 134-143, 2013
A hybrid meta-heuristic for multi-objective vehicle routing problems with time windows
R Baños, J Ortega, C Gil, AL Márquez, F De Toro
Computers & industrial engineering 65 (2), 286-296, 2013
A simulated annealing-based parallel multi-objective approach to vehicle routing problems with time windows
R Baños, J Ortega, C Gil, A Fernández, F De Toro
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (5), 1696-1707, 2013
Application of several meta-heuristic techniques to the optimization of real looped water distribution networks
J Reca, J Martínez, C Gil, R Baños
Water Resources Management 22, 1367-1379, 2008
Educación consciente: Mindfulness (Atención Plena) en el ámbito educativo. Educadores conscientes formando a seres humanos conscientes
I Mañas, C Franco, MD Gil, C Gil
Alianza de civilizaciones, políticas migratorias y educación, 193-229, 2014
Resilience indexes for water distribution network design: a performance analysis under demand uncertainty
R Baños, J Reca, J Martínez, C Gil, AL Márquez
Water resources management 25, 2351-2366, 2011
Adaptive community detection in complex networks using genetic algorithms
M Guerrero, FG Montoya, R Baños, A Alcayde, C Gil
Neurocomputing 266, 101-113, 2017
A memetic algorithm applied to the design of water distribution networks
R Banos, C Gil, J Reca, FG Montoya
Applied Soft Computing 10 (1), 261-266, 2010
Wind turbine selection for wind farm layout using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
FG Montoya, F Manzano-Agugliaro, S López-Márquez, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (15), 6585-6595, 2014
Design of a snort-based hybrid intrusion detection system
J Gómez, C Gil, N Padilla, R Baños, C Jiménez
Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft …, 2009
Optimal design of gravity-fed looped water distribution networks considering the resilience index
J Reca, J Martinez, R Banos, C Gil
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 134 (3), 234-238, 2008
Minimization of voltage deviation and power losses in power networks using Pareto optimization methods
FG Montoya, R Baños, C Gil, A Espín, A Alcayde, J Gómez
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (5), 695-703, 2010
Multilevel heuristic algorithm for graph partitioning
R Banos, C Gil, J Ortega, FG Montoya
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP …, 2003
Multi‐objective crop planning using pareto‐based evolutionary algorithms
AL Márquez, R Baños, C Gil, MG Montoya, F Manzano‐Agugliaro, ...
Agricultural Economics 42 (6), 649-656, 2011
A hybrid method for solving multi-objective global optimization problems
C Gil, A Márquez, R Baños, MG Montoya, J Gómez
Journal of Global Optimization 38, 265-281, 2007
Cómo mezclar diferentes metodologías docentes para motivar e implicar a un mayor número de alumnos
C Gil, A Alías, MDG Montoya
VI Jornadas de Aprendizaje Cooperativo. Barcelona: Publicaciones Universitarias, 2006
A Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for automatic rule generation in network intrusion detection systems
J Gómez, C Gil, R Baños, AL Márquez, FG Montoya, MG Montoya
Soft Computing 17, 255-263, 2013
Aprendizaje cooperativo y desarrollo de competencias
C Gil Montoya, R Baños Navarro, A Alías Sáez, MD Gil Montoya
VII Jornadas sobre Aprendizaje Cooperativo, 63-72, 2007
A hybrid meta-heuristic for multi-objective optimization: MOSATS
R Baños, C Gil, B Paechter, J Ortega
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 6, 213-230, 2007
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Articles 1–20