Haresh Gurnani
Haresh Gurnani
Dean, College of Business, Stony Brook University
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Note: Optimal ordering decisions with uncertain cost and demand forecast updating
H Gurnani, CS Tang
Management science 45 (10), 1456-1462, 1999
Coordination in decentralized assembly systems with uncertain component yields
H Gurnani, Y Gerchak
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (3), 1559-1576, 2007
Impact of product pricing and timing of investment decisions on supply chain co-opetition
H Gurnani, M Erkoc, Y Luo
European Journal of Operational Research 180 (1), 228-248, 2007
Managing disruptions in decentralized supply chains with endogenous supply process reliability
SY Tang, H Gurnani, D Gupta
Production and Operations Management 23 (7), 1198-1211, 2014
Supply management in assembly systems with random yield and random demand
H Gurnani, R Akella, J Lehoczky
IIE transactions 32, 701-714, 2000
Supply-side story: Risks, guarantees, competition, and information asymmetry
M Gümüş, S Ray, H Gurnani
Management Science 58 (9), 1694-1714, 2012
Managing risk of supply disruptions: Incentives for capacity restoration
X Hu, H Gurnani, L Wang
Production and Operations Management 22 (1), 137-150, 2013
Supply contracts in manufacturer‐retailer interactions with manufacturer‐quality and retailer effort‐induced demand
H Gurnani, M Erkoc
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (3), 200-217, 2008
A bargaining model for a first-time interaction under asymmetric beliefs of supply reliability
H Gurnani, M Shi
Management science 52 (6), 865-880, 2006
Strategic inventory and supplier encroachment
H Guan, H Gurnani, X Geng, Y Luo
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21 (3), 536-555, 2019
Optimal order policies in assembly systems with random demand and random supplier delivery
H Gurnani, R Akella, J Lehoczky
IIE transactions 28 (11), 865-878, 1996
An EOQ model with substitutions between products
Z Drezner, H Gurnani, BA Pasternack
Journal of the Operational Research Society 46 (7), 887-891, 1995
Supply chain disruptions: Theory and practice of managing risk
A Mehrotra, S Ray
Springer, 2012
Durable products with multiple used goods markets: Product upgrade and retail pricing implications
S Yin, S Ray, H Gurnani, A Animesh
Marketing Science 29 (3), 540-560, 2010
A study of quantity discount pricing models with different ordering structures: Order coordination, order consolidation, and multi-tier ordering hierarchy
H Gurnani
International Journal of Production Economics 72 (3), 203-225, 2001
Multichannel distribution strategy: Selling to a competing buyer with limited supplier capacity
Z Yang, X Hu, H Gurnani, H Guan
Management Science 64 (5), 2199-2218, 2018
Ordering behavior under supply risk: An experimental investigation
H Gurnani, K Ramachandran, S Ray, Y Xia
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (1), 61-75, 2014
Control–cooperation interfaces in global strategic alliances: a situational typology and strategic responses
Y Luo, O Shenkar, H Gurnani
Journal of International Business Studies 39, 428-453, 2008
Control of batch processing systems in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities
H Gurnani, R Anupindi, R Akella
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 5 (4), 319-328, 1992
Entry deterrence of capacitated competition using price and non‐price strategies
H Wang, H Gurnani, M Erkoc
Production and Operations Management 25 (4), 719-735, 2016
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