Juan C. Opazo
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Cited by
Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation
G Zhang, C Li, Q Li, B Li, DM Larkin, C Lee, JF Storz, A Antunes, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1311-1320, 2014
Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs
RE Green, EL Braun, J Armstrong, D Earl, N Nguyen, G Hickey, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1254449, 2014
Phylogenetic relationships and divergence times among New World monkeys (Platyrrhini, Primates)
JC Opazo, DE Wildman, T Prychitko, RM Johnson, M Goodman
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (1), 274-280, 2006
Genomics, biogeography, and the diversification of placental mammals
DE Wildman, M Uddin, JC Opazo, G Liu, V Lefort, S Guindon, O Gascuel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (36), 14395-14400, 2007
A fully resolved genus level phylogeny of neotropical primates (Platyrrhini)
DE Wildman, NM Jameson, JC Opazo, VY Soojin
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (3), 694-702, 2009
A molecular timescale for caviomorph rodents (Mammalia, Hystricognathi)
JC Opazo
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (3), 932-937, 2005
Gene duplication, genome duplication, and the functional diversification of vertebrate globins
JF Storz, JC Opazo, FG Hoffmann
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 66 (2), 469-478, 2013
Whole-genome duplications spurred the functional diversification of the globin gene superfamily in vertebrates
FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, JF Storz
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29, 303-312, 2011
Whole-genome duplication and the functional diversification of teleost fish hemoglobins
JC Opazo, GT Butts, MF Nery, JF Storz, FG Hoffmann
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30, 140-153, 2013
Gene cooption and convergent evolution of oxygen transport hemoglobins in jawed and jawless vertebrates
FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, JF Storz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (32), 14274-14279, 2010
Rapid electrostatic evolution at the binding site for cytochrome c on cytochrome c oxidase in anthropoid primates
TR Schmidt, DE Wildman, M Uddin, JC Opazo, M Goodman, LI Grossman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (18), 6379-6384, 2005
Using new tools to solve an old problem: the evolution of endothermy in vertebrates
RF Nespolo, LD Bacigalupe, CC Figueroa, P Koteja, JC Opazo
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26 (8), 414-423, 2011
Differential loss and retention of cytoglobin, myoglobin, and globin-E during the radiation of vertebrates
FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, JF Storz
Genome biology and evolution 3, 588-600, 2011
Lineage-Specific Patterns of Functional Diversification in the α- and β-Globin Gene Families of Tetrapod Vertebrates
FG Hoffmann, JF Storz, TA Gorr, JC Opazo
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (5), 1126-1138, 2010
Differential loss of embryonic globin genes during the radiation of placental mammals
JC Opazo, FG Hoffmann, JF Storz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (35), 12950-12955, 2008
How to make a dolphin: Molecular signature of positive selection in Cetacean Genome
MF Nery, DJ González, JC Opazo
PLoS One 8 (6), e65491, 2013
Complex signatures of selection and gene conversion in the duplicated globin genes of house mice
JF Storz, M Baze, JL Waite, FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, JP Hayes
Genetics 177 (1), 481-500, 2007
Rapid rates of lineage-specific gene duplication and deletion in the α-globin gene family
FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo, JF Storz
Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (3), 591-602, 2008
Genomic evidence for independent origins of β-like globin genes in monotremes and therian mammals
JC Opazo, FG Hoffmann, JF Storz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1590-1595, 2008
Phylogenetic diversification of the globin gene superfamily in chordates
JF Storz, JC Opazo, FG Hoffmann
IUBMB life 63 (5), 313-322, 2011
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Articles 1–20