Dierk Bauknecht
Dierk Bauknecht
Oeko-Institut e.V. AND University of Freiburg
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Cited by
Reflexive governance for sustainable development
JP Voss, D Bauknecht, R Kemp
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006
Effectiveness through risk reduction: a comparison of the renewable obligation in England and Wales and the feed-in system in Germany
C Mitchell, D Bauknecht, PM Connor
Energy Policy 34 (3), 297-305, 2006
Typology of centralised and decentralised visions for electricity infrastructure
S Funcke, D Bauknecht
Utilities Policy 40, 67-74, 2016
16. Reflexive governance: a view on an emerging path
JP Voß, R Kemp, D Bauknecht
Reflexive governance for sustainable development, 419, 2006
Incentive regulation and network innovations
D Bauknecht
Innovation for sustainable electricity systems
B Praetorius, D Bauknecht, M Cames, C Fischer, M Pehnt, K Schumacher, ...
Exploring the Dynamics of Energy Transitions. Heidelberg: Physica, 2009
Is small beautiful? A framework for assessing decentralised electricity systems
D Bauknecht, S Funcke, M Vogel
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 118, 109543, 2020
How to reach the EU renewables target by 2030? An analysis of the governance framework
K Veum, D Bauknecht
Energy Policy 127, 299-307, 2019
Gesellschaft und die Macht der Technik: Sozioökonomischer und institutioneller Wandel durch Technisierung
U Dolata, R Werle
Campus Verlag, 2007
Challenges for electricity network governance in whole system change: Insights from energy transition in Norway
D Bauknecht, AD Andersen, KT Dunne
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 37, 318-331, 2020
dezentrale Energiesysteme und aktive Netzbetreiber (DENSAN)
U Leprich, D Bauknecht, E Evers, H Gaßner, K Schrader
Saarbrücken, Freiburg, Aachen, 2005
Regulatory improvements for effective integration of distributed generation into electricity distribution networks
MJJ Scheepers, JC Jansen, J De Joode, D Bauknecht, T Gomez, ...
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN, 2007
Architectural change in accelerating transitions: actor preferences, system architectures, and flexibility technologies in the German energy transition
AD Andersen, J Markard, D Bauknecht, M Korpås
Energy Research & Social Science 97, 102945, 2023
Modellgestützte Bewertung von Netzausbau im europäischen Netzverbund und Flexibilitätsoptionen im deutschen Stromsystem im Zeitraum 2020–2050
M Koch, D Bauknecht, C Heinemann, D Ritter, M Vogel, E Tröster
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 39 (1), 1-17, 2015
Distributed generation and the regulation of electricity networks
D Bauknecht, G Brunekreeft
Competitive Electricity Markets, 469-497, 2008
Costs and benefits of smart appliances in Europe
D Seebach, C Timpe, D Bauknecht
Öko-Institut eV, 2009
Energy policy and investment in the German power market
G Brunekreeft, D Bauknecht
Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective, Elsevier, 235-264, 2006
Systematischer Vergleich von Flexibilitäts-und Speicheroptionen im deutschen Stromsystem zur Integration von erneuerbaren Energien und Analyse entsprechender Rahmenbedingungen
D Bauknecht, C Heinemann, M Koch, D Ritter, R Harthan, A Sachs, ...
Gefördert durch das BMWi aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Bundestages …, 2016
Transformationsprozesse in netzgebundenen Versorgungssystemen
K Konrad, JP Voß, B Truffer, D Bauknecht
Ein integratives Analysekonzept auf Basis der Theorie technologischer …, 2004
Energiewende–Zentral oder dezentral
D Bauknecht, M Vogel, S Funcke
Diskussionspapier im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Koordination des BMBF …, 2015
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Articles 1–20