Sarmad Asi Ali
Sarmad Asi Ali
Full Professor in Geochemistry and Petrology at the Applied Geology Dep.(ORCID:0000-0002-7038-5538)
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The tectonic evolution of a Neo-Tethyan (Eocene-Oligocene) island-arc (Walash-Naopurdan Group) in the Kurdistan region of the NE Iraqi Zagros Thrust Zone,
Ali, Buckman, Aswad, Jones, Ismail, Nutman
Experimental Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry, 34, 2012
Recognition of Late Cretaceous Hasanbag ophiolite-arc rocks in the Kurdistan region of the Iraqi Zagros Thrust Zone: A missing link in the paleogeography of the closing Neo …
S Ali, B Buckman,S, Aswad, K, Jones, S Ismail, A Nutman
Lithosphere 4 (5), 395-410, 2012
Tectono-stratigraphy and structure of the northwestern Zagros collision zone across the Iraq-Iran border
SA Ali, M Mohajjel, K Aswad, S Ismail, S Buckman, B Jones
The intra-oceanic Cretaceous (~ 108 Ma) Kata–Rash arc fragment in the Kurdistan segment of Iraqi Zagros suture zone: Implications for Neotethys evolution and closure
SA Ali, SA Ismail, AP Nutman, VC Bennett, BG Jones, S Buckman
Lithos 260, 154-163, 2016
Overview of the tectonic evolution of the Iraqi Zagros thrust zone: Sixty million years of Neotethyan ocean subduction
BGJ Sarmad A. Ali, Allen P. Nutman, Khalid J. Aswad
Journal of Geodynamics, 2019
Provenance of the Walash-Naopurdan back-arc–arc clastic sequences in the Iraqi Zagros Suture Zone
SA Ali, RS Sleabi, MJA Talabani, BG Jones
Journal of African Earth Sciences 125, 73-87, 2017
Early Cretaceous calciturbidites facies from Zagros Fold–Thrust belt: a key to paleogeography and environment of northeast Arabian Platform Passive Margin, examples from …
SA Ali, YO Mohammad, FA Lawa, MM Baziany, AI Al-Juboury
Carbonates and Evaporites 35 (81), 1-4, 2020
40Ar/39Ar hornblende and biotite geochronology of the Bulfat Igneous Complex, Zagros Suture Zone, NE Iraq: New insights on complexities of Paleogene arc magmatism during …
KJ Aswad, SA Ali, RMA Sheraefy, AP Nutman, S Buckman, BG Jones, ...
Lithos 266, 406-413, 2016
The Pushtashan juvenile suprasubduction zone assemblage of Kurdistan (northeastern Iraq): A Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Neo-Tethys missing link
SA Ismail, SA Ali, AP Nutman, VC Bennett, BG Jones
Geoscience Frontiers 8 (5), 1073-1087, 2017
SHRIMP U-Pb dating of Zircon Inheritance in Walash Arc Volcanic Rocks ( Paleogene Age) , Zagros Suture Zone,NE Iraq: New Insights into Crustal Contributions to Trachytic …
S Ali, K Aswad
Iraqi National Journal of Earth Sciences 13 (1), 45-58, 2013
Pre-collisional Intrusive Magmatism in the Bulfat Complex, Wadi Rashid, Qala Deza, NE Iraq: Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints and Implications for Tectonic Evolution of …
KJ Aswad, RMA Sheraefy, SA Ali
Iraqi National Journal of Earth Sciences 13 (1), 103-137, 2013
Geochemistry and geochronology of Tethyan-arc related igneous rocks, NE Iraq
SA Ali
Petrography and diagenesis of the middle to upper Jurassic succession from Sargelu section, northeastern Iraq
RH Rasool, SA Ali, AI Al-Juboury
Al-Kitab Journal for Pure Sciences 7 (2), 153-172, 2023
Provenance of Tanjero and Red Bed clastic sedimentary rocks revealed by detrital zircon SHRIMP dating, Kurdistan region, NE Iraq: Constraints on ocean closure and unroofing of …
AN Brian Jones, Sarmad Ali
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2020
Comment on “Generation and exhumation of granitoid intrusions in the Penjween ophiolite complex, NW Zagros of the Kurdistan region of Iraq: Implications for the geodynamic …
YO Mohammad, SA Ali, NR Aziz, IO Yara, KL Abdulla
Lithos 390 (391), 105915, 2021
39 Ma U-Pb zircon age for the Shaki-Rash gabbro in the Bulfat Igneous Complex, Kurdistan region, Iraqi Zagros Suture Zone: rifting of an intra-Neotethys Cenozoic arc
S Ali
Ofioliti 42 (2), 69-80, 2017
Geochemistry of Tethyan-arc related volcanic rocks. NE Iraq
SA Ali
PhD thesis, University of Wollongong, 326 p (unpublished), 2012
The early Eocene (48 Ma) Qaladeza trondhjemite formed by wet partial remelting of mafic crust in the arc‑related Bulfat Igneous Complex (Kurdistan, Iraq): constraints on the …
AN ,Sarmad Ali, Yousif Mohammad, Brian G. Jones, Qing Zhang
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15, 679, 2022
Petrography and Geochemistry of Gabbroic Rock from the Penjwin Ophiolite, Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq
SA Ali, Z Rostum
The Iraqi Geological Journal, 24-37, 2021
An overview on the application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in the diagnosis of bacterial infections
A Usman, S Ali
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2 (1), 109-114, 2009
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Articles 1–20