Monique Grol
Monique Grol
Senior Technical Officer, Queensland Herbarium, DETSI, Queensland Government
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Indo-Pacific seagrass beds and mangroves contribute to fish density and diversity on adjacent coral reefs
M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, MJA Christianen, I Nagelkerken, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 302, 63-76, 2005
Mangrove habitat use by juvenile reef fish: meta-analysis reveals that tidal regime matters more than biogeographic region
MM Igulu, I Nagelkerken, M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, AR Harborne, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e114715, 2014
Seagrass beds and mangroves as potential nurseries for the threatened Indo-Pacific humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus and Caribbean rainbow parrotfish, Scarus guacamaia
M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken, G Van der Velde
Biological Conservation 129 (2), 277-282, 2006
Distribution of coral reef fishes along a coral reef–seagrass gradient: edge effects and habitat segregation
M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken, G Van der Velde
Marine Ecology Progress Series 299, 277-288, 2005
Effects of marine reserves versus nursery habitat availability on structure of reef fish communities
I Nagelkerken, MGG Grol, PJ Mumby
PloS one 7 (6), e36906, 2012
Simple ecological trade-offs give rise to emergent cross-ecosystem distributions of a coral reef fish
MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken, AL Rypel, CA Layman
Oecologia 165, 79-88, 2011
Different surrounding landscapes may result in different fish assemblages in East African seagrass beds
M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken, G Van der Velde
Hydrobiologia 563, 45-60, 2006
Growth potential and predation risk drive ontogenetic shifts among nursery habitats in a coral reef fish
MGG Grol, AL Rypel, I Nagelkerken
Marine Ecology Progress Series 502, 229-244, 2014
Piscivore assemblages and predation pressure affect relative safety of some back-reef habitats for juvenile fish in a Caribbean bay
M Dorenbosch, MGG Grol, A De Groene, G van der Velde, I Nagelkerken
Marine Ecology Progress Series 379, 181-196, 2009
Mangroves and seagrass beds do not enhance growth of early juveniles of a coral reef fish
MGG Grol, M Dorenbosch, EMG Kokkelmans, I Nagelkerken
Marine Ecology Progress Series 366, 137-146, 2008
Highly localized replenishment of coral reef fish populations near nursery habitats
I Nagelkerken, KB Huebert, JE Serafy, MGG Grol, M Dorenbosch, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 568, 137-150, 2017
Direct and indirect effects of nursery habitats on coral‐reef fish assemblages, grazing pressure and benthic dynamics
AR Harborne, I Nagelkerken, NH Wolff, YM Bozec, M Dorenbosch, ...
Oikos 125 (7), 957-967, 2016
Patterns of sponge biodiversity in the Pilbara, Northwestern Australia
J Fromont, MA Abdul Wahab, O Gomez, M Ekins, M Grol, JNA Hooper
Diversity 8 (4), 21, 2016
Shallow patch reefs as alternative habitats for early juveniles of some mangrove/seagrass-associated fish species in Bermuda
CM Huijbers, MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken
Revista de Biologia Tropical 56 (Supplement 1), 161-169, 2010
Preference of early juveniles of a coral reef fish for distinct lagoonal microhabitats is not related to common measures of structural complexity
MGG Grol, I Nagelkerken, N Bosch, EH Meesters
Marine Ecology Progress Series 432, 221-233, 2011
Sponges of the north west of Western Australia: biogeography and considerations for dredging related research
J Fromont, MA Abdul Wahab, O Gomez, M Ekins, M Grol, J Hooper
Report of Theme, 2017
Benthic primary productivity: production and herbivory of seagrasses, macroalgae and microalgae
GA Kendrick, M Vanderklift, D Bearham, J Mclaughlin, J Greenwood, ...
Report of 2 (4), 2016
Conservation value of a subtropical reef in south-eastern Queensland, Australia, highlighted by citizen-science efforts
MGG Grol, J Vercelloni, TM Kenyon, E Bayraktarov, CP Van Den Berg, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (1), 1-13, 2020
Limited effects of an extreme flood event on corals at Ningaloo Reef
HM Lozano-Montes, JK Keesing, MG Grol, MDE Haywood, MA Vanderklift, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 191, 234-238, 2017
Ecological assessment of the flora and fauna of Flinders Reef, north Moreton Island, Queensland
C Roelfsema, E Bayraktarov, C van den Berg, S Breeze, M Grol, T Kenyon, ...
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Articles 1–20