Gary Painter
Gary Painter
Professor and BEARE Chair, UC Lindner School of Business
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Housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption: New evidence from micro data
R Bostic, S Gabriel, G Painter
Regional Science and Urban Economics 39 (1), 79-89, 2009
Race, immigrant status, and housing tenure choice
G Painter, S Gabriel, D Myers
Journal of urban economics 49 (1), 150-167, 2001
Family structure and youths' outcomes: Which correlations are causal?
G Painter, DI Levine
Journal of Human Resources, 524-549, 2000
The schooling costs of teenage out-of-wedlock childbearing: Analysis with a within-school propensity-score-matching estimator
DI Levine, G Painter
Review of Economics and Statistics 85 (4), 884-900, 2003
Does the age that children start kindergarten matter? Evidence of long-term educational and social outcomes
JA Lincove, G Painter
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 28 (2), 153-179, 2006
What happens to household formation in a recession?
KO Lee, G Painter
Journal of Urban Economics 76, 93-109, 2013
From citizen control to co-production: Moving beyond a linear conception of citizen participation
J Rosen, G Painter
Journal of the American planning association 85 (3), 335-347, 2019
Is full better than half? Examining the longitudinal effects of full‐day kindergarten attendance
JS Cannon, A Jacknowitz, G Painter
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2006
Housing tenure transitions of older households: Life cycle, demographic, and familial factors
G Painter, KO Lee
Regional Science and Urban Economics 39 (6), 749-760, 2009
The role of interest rates in influencing long-run homeownership rates
G Painter, CL Redfearn
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 25, 243-267, 2002
Travel behavior among Latino immigrants: The role of ethnic concentration and ethnic employment
CY Liu, G Painter
Journal of Planning Education and Research 32 (1), 62-80, 2012
A field study of rental market discrimination across origins in France
A Acolin, R Bostic, G Painter
Journal of Urban Economics 95, 49-63, 2016
Heterogeneity in Asian American home-ownership: The impact of household endowments and immigrant status
G Painter, L Yang, Z Yu
Urban Studies 40 (3), 505-530, 2003
Why affordability matters
S Gabriel, G Painter
Regional Science and Urban Economics 80, 103378, 2020
The role of parental financial assistance in the transition to homeownership by young adults
H Lee, D Myers, G Painter, J Thunell, J Zissimopoulos
Journal of Housing Economics 47, 101597, 2020
Homeownership determinants for Chinese Americans: Assimilation, ethnic concentration and nativity
G Painter, L Yang, Z Yu
Real Estate Economics 32 (3), 509-539, 2004
Tenure choice with sample selection: differences among alternative samples
G Painter
Journal of Housing Economics 9 (3), 197-213, 2000
Immigrants and Housing Markets in Mid‐Size Metropolitan Areas1
G Painter, Z Yu
International Migration Review 44 (2), 442-476, 2010
Pathways to homeownership: An analysis of the residential location and homeownership choices of black households in Los Angeles
S Gabriel, G Painter
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 27, 87-109, 2003
Immigrant settlement and employment suburbanisation in the US: Is there a spatial mismatch?
CY Liu, G Painter
Urban Studies 49 (5), 979-1002, 2012
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Articles 1–20