Akula Venkatram
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Cited by
AERMOD: A dispersion model for industrial source applications. Part I: General model formulation and boundary layer characterization
AJ Cimorelli, SG Perry, A Venkatram, JC Weil, RJ Paine, RB Wilson, ...
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 44 (5), 682-693, 2005
AERMOD: A dispersion model for industrial source applications. Part II: Model performance against 17 field study databases
SG Perry, AJ Cimorelli, RJ Paine, RW Brode, JC Weil, A Venkatram, ...
Journal of applied meteorology 44 (5), 694-708, 2005
Testing a comprehensive acid deposition model
A Venkatram, PK Karamchandani, PK Misra
Atmospheric Environment (1967) 22 (4), 737-747, 1988
RLINE: A line source dispersion model for near-surface releases
MG Snyder, A Venkatram, DK Heist, SG Perry, WB Petersen, V Isakov
Atmospheric environment 77, 748-756, 2013
A framework for evaluating regional-scale numerical photochemical modeling systems
R Dennis, T Fox, M Fuentes, A Gilliland, S Hanna, C Hogrefe, J Irwin, ...
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 10, 471-489, 2010
Estimating the Monin-Obukhov length in the stable boundary layer for dispersion calculations
A Venkatram
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 19 (4), 481-485, 1980
A model of internal boundary-layer development
A Venkatram
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 11 (4), 419-437, 1977
Evaluating air-quality models: review and outlook
JC Weil, RI Sykes, A Venkatram
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 31 (10), 1121-1145, 1992
The electrical analogy does not apply to modeling dry deposition of particles
A Venkatram, J Pleim
Atmospheric Environment 33 (18), 3075-3076, 1999
Estimating near-road pollutant dispersion: A model inter-comparison
D Heist, V Isakov, S Perry, M Snyder, A Venkatram, C Hood, J Stocker, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 25, 93-105, 2013
The development and application of a simplified ozone modeling system (SOMS)
A Venkatram, P Karamchandani, P Pai, R Goldstein
Atmospheric Environment 28 (22), 3665-3678, 1994
A critique of empirical emission factor models: a case study of the AP-42 model for estimating PM10 emissions from paved roads
A Venkatram
Atmospheric Environment 34 (1), 1-11, 2000
Lectures on air pollution modeling
A Venkatram
Springer, 2015
Modeling dispersion at distances of meters from urban sources
A Venkatram, V Isakov, J Yuan, D Pankratz
Atmospheric Environment 38 (28), 4633-4641, 2004
The effects of roadside vegetation characteristics on local, near-road air quality
P Deshmukh, V Isakov, A Venkatram, B Yang, KM Zhang, R Logan, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 12, 259-270, 2019
Re-formulation of plume spread for near-surface dispersion
A Venkatram, MG Snyder, DK Heist, SG Perry, WB Petersen, V Isakov
Atmospheric environment 77, 846-855, 2013
Approximating dispersion from a finite line source
A Venkatram, TW Horst
Atmospheric Environment 40 (13), 2401-2408, 2006
Determination of the relative ozone and PAN deposition velocities at night
PB Shepson, JW Bottenheim, DR Hastie, A Venkatram
Geophysical research letters 19 (11), 1121-1124, 1992
Analysis of air quality data near roadways using a dispersion model
A Venkatram, V Isakov, E Thoma, R Baldauf
Atmospheric Environment 41 (40), 9481-9497, 2007
An examination of the Pasquill-Gifford-Turner dispersion scheme
A Venkatram
Atmospheric Environment 30 (8), 1283-1290, 1996
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Articles 1–20