Salim Maliondo
Salim Maliondo
Professor at Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Cited by
Growth and yield of maize alley cropped with Leucaena leucocephala and Faidherbia albida in Morogoro, Tanzania
SAO Chamshama, AG Mugasha, A Kløvstad, O Haveraaen, ...
Agroforestry systems 40, 215-225, 1998
Woodlands degradation in the Southern Highlands, Miombo of Tanzania: Implications on conservation and carbon stocks
TC Sawe, PKT Munishi, SM Maliondo
Academic Journals, 2014
Transformation of shifting cultivation: Extent, driving forces and impacts on livelihoods in Tanzania
CJ Kilawe, O Mertz, T Birch-Thomsen, SM Maliondo
Applied geography 94, 84-94, 2018
Climate change and food security in Tanzania: Analysis of current knowledge and research gaps
FC Kahimba, AS Sife, SMS Maliondo, EJ Mpeta, J Olson
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14 (1), 2015
Possible effects of intensive harvesting on continuous productivity of forest lands.
SM Maliondo
Distribution of biomass and nutrients in some New Brunswick forest stands: Possible implications of whole-tree harvesting.
SM Maliondo, MK Mahendrappa, GD Raalte
Storage and pre-sowing treatment of recalcitrant seeds of Africa sandalwood (Osyris lanceolata)
PL Mwang'Ingo, Z Teklehaimanot, SM Maliondo, HP Msanga
Seed Science and Technology 32 (2), 547-560, 2004
Fire impact on population structure and diversity of tree species in West Usambara camphor zone forests
SMS Maliondo, RE Malimbwi, RPC Temu, E Constantine, E Zahabu
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 472-481, 2000
REDD and sustainable development: perspectives from Tanzania
ABS Mwakalobo, GS Kajembe, DS Silayo, E Nzunda, E Zahabu, ...
Feasibility of large-scale biofuel production in Tanzania
B Mwamila, RPC Temu, K Oscar, G John, H Majamba, S Maliondo, ...
Growth performance of Azadirachta indica provenances in Morogoro, Tanzania
SM Andrew, SMS Maliondo, J Mtika, HP Msanga, VR Nsolomo
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 328-335, 2004
Early response of Eucalyptus saligna to site preparation and fertilisation at Sao Hill, Tanzania
ML Mhando, SM Maliondo, AG Mugasha
Forest ecology and management 62 (1-4), 303-311, 1993
Soil chemical characteristics in a natural forest and a Cupressus lusitanica plantation at West Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania
RS Maro, SAO Chamshama, VR Nsolomo, SM Maliondo
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 465-472, 1993
Sparse Distribution Pattern Of Some Plant Species In Two Afromontane Rain Forests Of The Eastern Arc Mountains Of Tanzania
PK Munishi, TH Shear, T Wentworth, RP Temu, SM Maliondo
Tanzania journal of forestry and nature conservation 75 (1), 74-90, 2004
Distribution of biomass and nutrients in some New Brunswick forest stands: possible implications of whole-tree harvesting. Forestry Canada, Maritimes Region, Fredericton, NB …
SM Maliondo, MK Mahendrappa, GD Van Raalte
Information Report MX-170, 1990
Potential of carbon storage in major soil types of the Miombo woodland ecosystem, Tanzania: A review
HB Shelukindo, E Semu, BM Msanya, PKT Munishi, SMS Maliondo, ...
Academic and Scientific Publishing, 2014
Climate change and food security in Tanzania: an analysis of current knowledge and research gaps and recommendations for a research agenda
SMS Maliondo, EJ Mpeta, J Olson
Ohio State University and Sokoine University of Agriculture: Columbus, OH, USA, 2012
Biofuels and neo-colonialism
S Madoffe, S Maliondo, F Maganga, E Mtalo, F Midtgaard, I Bryceson
Pambazuka News 6, 2009
Tree species composition and potential timber production of a communal miombo woodland in Handeni District, Tanzania
SMS Maliondo, WS Abeli, RELO Meiludie, GA Migunga, AA Kimaro, ...
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 104-120, 2005
Forest plantation for biofuels to serve natural forest resources
DA Silayo, JZ Katani, SMS Maliondo, MCT Tarimo
Research and development for sustainable management of semiarid Miombo …, 2008
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Articles 1–20