Cristina Del Seppia
Cristina Del Seppia
Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR
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The navigational feats of green sea turtles migrating from Ascension Island investigated by satellite telemetry
P Luschi, GC Hays, C Del Seppia, R Marsh, F Papi
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Do geomagnetic disturbances of solar origin affect arterial blood pressure?
S Ghione, L Mezzasalma, CD Seppia, F Papi
Journal of human hypertension 12 (11), 749-754, 1998
Pain perception and electromagnetic fields
C Del Seppia, S Ghione, P Luschi, KP Ossenkopp, E Choleris, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 31 (4), 619-642, 2007
Shielding, but not zeroing of the ambient magnetic field reduces stress-induced analgesia in mice
E Choleris, C Del Seppia, AW Thomas, P Luschi, S Ghione, GR Moran, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Changes in behaviour during the inter-nesting period and post-nesting migration for Ascension Island green turtles
GC Hays, P Luschi, F Papi, C Del Seppia, R Marsh
Marine Ecology Progress Series 189, 263-273, 1999
Exposure to a hypogeomagnetic field or to oscillating magnetic fields similarly reduce stress-induced analgesia in C57 male mice
C Del Seppia, P Luschi, S Ghione, E Crosio, E Choleris, F Papi
Life Sciences 66 (14), 1299-1306, 2000
Effects of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on electroencephalographic alpha activity, dental pain threshold and cardiovascular parameters in humans
S Ghione, C Del Seppia, L Mezzasalma, L Bonfiglio
Neuroscience letters 382 (1-2), 112-117, 2005
Deiodinases and the three types of thyroid hormone deiodination reactions
L Sabatino, C Vassalle, C Del Seppia, G Iervasi
Endocrinology and Metabolism 36 (5), 952-964, 2021
Exposure to oscillating magnetic fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. II. Experiments on humans
F Papi, S Ghione, C Rosa, CD Seppia, P Luschi
Bioelectromagnetics 16 (5), 295-300, 1995
Changes in pain perception and pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials in humans produced by exposure to oscillating magnetic fields
F Sartucci, L Bonfiglio, C Del Seppia, P Luschi, S Ghione, L Murri, F Papi
Brain research 769 (2), 362-366, 1997
Effects of magnetic field exposure on open field behaviour and nociceptive responses in mice
C Del Seppia, L Mezzasalma, E Choleris, P Luschi, S Ghione
Behavioural brain research 144 (1-2), 1-9, 2003
Exposure to oscillating magnetic fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. I. Experiments on pigeons
CD Seppia, S Ghione, P Luschi, F Papi
Bioelectromagnetics 16 (5), 290-294, 1995
Human head exposure to a 37 Hz electromagnetic field: effects on blood pressure, somatosensory perception, and related parameters
S Ghione, C Del Seppia, L Mezzasalma, M Emdin, P Luschi
Bioelectromagnetics: Journal of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, The Society …, 2004
Pigeon homing: evidence against reliance on magnetic information picked up en route to release sites
P Luschi, CD Seppia, E Crosio, F Papi
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1996
Influence of emotional factors on the initial orientation of pigeons
C DEL SEPPIA, P Luschi, F Papi
Animal behaviour 52 (1), 33-47, 1996
Prolonged hypotensive and bradycardic effects of passive mandibular extension: evidence in normal volunteers.
M Brunelli, E Coppi, D Tonlorenzi, C Del Seppia, D Lapi, A Colantuoni, ...
Archives Italiennes de Biologie 150 (4), 231-237, 2012
Orientation during short-range feeding in the crab Dotilla wichmanni
P Luschi, CD Seppia, E Crosio
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 181, 461-468, 1997
Persistent effects after trigeminal nerve proprioceptive stimulation by mandibular extension on rat blood pressure, heart rate and pial microcirculation
L Dominga, A Colantuoni, C Del Seppia, S Ghione, D Tonlorenzi, ...
Archives Italiennes de Biologie 151 (1), 11-23, 2013
Simulation of the geomagnetic field experienced by the International Space Station in its revolution around the Earth: effects on psychophysiological responses to affective …
C Del Seppia, L Mezzasalma, M Messerotti, A Cordelli, S Ghione
Neuroscience letters 400 (3), 197-202, 2006
Song‐type function during territorial encounters in male Cetti's Warblers Cettia cetti
P Luschi, CD Seppia
Ibis 138 (3), 479-484, 1996
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Articles 1–20