Asier Herrero
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Hydraulic adjustment of Scots pine across Europe
J Martínez‐Vilalta, H Cochard, M Mencuccini, F Sterck, A Herrero, ...
New Phytologist 184 (2), 353-364, 2009
Modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) by PPARα-and PPARγ-specific ligands and by 17β-estradiol in isolated zebrafish hepatocytes
A Ibabe, A Herrero, MP Cajaraville
Toxicology in vitro 19 (6), 725-735, 2005
Positive associations among rare species and their persistence in ecological assemblages
J Calatayud, E Andivia, A Escudero, CJ Melián, R Bernardo-Madrid, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (1), 40-45, 2020
Pinus halepensis Mill. crown development and fruiting declined with repeated drought in Mediterranean France
F Girard, M Vennetier, F Guibal, C Corona, S Ouarmim, A Herrero
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 919-931, 2012
Varying climate sensitivity at the dry distribution edge of Pinus sylvestris and P. nigra
A Herrero, A Rigling, R Zamora
Forest Ecology and Management 308, 50-61, 2013
Plant responses to extreme climatic events: a field test of resilience capacity at the southern range edge
A Herrero, R Zamora
Plos one 9 (1), e87842, 2014
Understanding trait interactions and their impacts on growth in Scots pine branches across Europe
FJ Sterck, J Martínez‐Vilalta, M Mencuccini, H Cochard, P Gerrits, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (2), 541-549, 2012
Detection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) allergens in processed foods by immunoassay: Influence of selected target protein and ELISA format applied
M Montserrat, D Sanz, T Juan, A Herrero, L Sánchez, M Calvo, MD Pérez
Food Control 54, 300-307, 2015
Limits of pine forest distribution at the treeline: herbivory matters
A Herrero, R Zamora, J Castro, JA Hódar
Plant Ecology 213, 459-469, 2012
Growth and stable isotope signals associated with drought-related mortality in saplings of two coexisting pine species
A Herrero, J Castro, R Zamora, A Delgado-Huertas, JI Querejeta
Oecologia 173, 1613-1624, 2013
Local-scale drought adaptation of ponderosa pine seedlings at habitat ecotones
TE Kolb, KC Grady, MP McEttrick, A Herrero
Forest Science 62 (6), 641-651, 2016
Forest productivity in southwestern Europe is controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations
J Madrigal-González, JA Ballesteros-Cánovas, A Herrero, P Ruiz-Benito, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2222, 2017
Resilience to drought in a dry forest: insights from demographic rates
J Madrigal-González, A Herrero, P Ruiz-Benito, MA Zavala
Forest ecology and management 389, 167-175, 2017
Climate reverses directionality in the richness–abundance relationship across the World’s main forest biomes
J Madrigal-González, J Calatayud, JA Ballesteros-Cánovas, A Escudero, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5635, 2020
Los bosques y la biodiversidad frente al cambio climático: Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación en España
AH Méndez, MÁZ Gironés
Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 2015
Linking stochasticity to determinism of woody plant recruitment in a mosaic landscape: a spatially explicit approach
JL Quero, A Herrero, R Zamora
Basic and applied ecology 12 (2), 161-171, 2011
Are pine-oak mixed stands in Mediterranean mountains more resilient to drought than their monospecific counterparts?
FJ Muñoz-Gálvez, A Herrero, ME Pérez-Corona, E Andivia
Forest Ecology and Management 484, 118955, 2021
Growth patterns at the southern range edge of Scots pine: Disentangling the effects of drought and defoliation by the pine processionary caterpillar
JC Linares, K Senhadji, A Herrero, JA Hódar
Forest Ecology and Management 315, 129-137, 2014
From the individual to the landscape and back: time‐varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits
A Herrero, P Almaraz, R Zamora, J Castro, JA Hodar
Journal of Ecology 104 (2), 430-442, 2016
Vulnerabilidad de los bosques Ibéricos frente al Cambio Climático: Evaluación mediante modelos
P Ruiz-Benito, A Herrero, MÁ Zavala
Ecosistemas 22 (3), 21-28, 2013
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Articles 1–20