Grégory Bièvre
Grégory Bièvre
Assistant Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes, France
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Life and death of slow-moving landslides
P Lacroix, AL Handwerger, G Bièvre
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 1 (8), 404-419, 2020
Geophysical investigation of a large landslide in glaciolacustrine clays in the Trièves area (French Alps)
D Jongmans, G Bièvre, F Renalier, S Schwartz, N Beaurez, Y Orengo
Engineering geology 109 (1-2), 45-56, 2009
Use of Sentinel-2 images for the detection of precursory motions before landslide failures
P Lacroix, G Bièvre, E Pathier, U Kniess, D Jongmans
Remote Sensing of Environment 215, 507-516, 2018
Application of geophysical measurements for assessing the role of fissures in water infiltration within a clay landslide (Trieves area, French Alps)
G Bievre, D Jongmans, T Winiarski, V Zumbo
Hydrological Processes 26 (14), 2128-2142, 2012
Rheological properties of clayey soils originating from flow-like landslides
SR Carrière, D Jongmans, G Chambon, G Bièvre, B Lanson, L Bertello, ...
Landslides 15, 1615-1630, 2018
Hydrostratigraphic Characterization of Glaciofluvial Deposits Underlying an Infiltration Basin Using Ground Penetrating RadarAll rights reserved. No part of this periodical may …
D Goutaland, T Winiarski, JS Dubé, G Bièvre, JF Buoncristiani, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 7 (1), 194-207, 2008
Seismic noise parameters as indicators of reversible modifications in slope stability: a review
C Colombero, D Jongmans, S Fiolleau, J Valentin, L Baillet, G Bièvre
Surveys in Geophysics 42, 339-375, 2021
Integration of geotechnical and geophysical techniques for the characterization of a small earth-filled canal dyke and the localization of water leakage
G Bièvre, P Lacroix, L Oxarango, D Goutaland, G Monnot, Y Fargier
Journal of Applied Geophysics 139, 1-15, 2017
Influence of environmental parameters on the seismic velocity changes in a clayey mudflow (Pont-Bourquin Landslide, Switzerland)
G Bièvre, M Franz, E Larose, S Carrière, D Jongmans, M Jaboyedoff
Engineering Geology 245, 248-257, 2018
Seismic characterization of a clay-block rupture in Harmalière landslide, French Western Alps
S Fiolleau, D Jongmans, G Bièvre, G Chambon, L Baillet, B Vial
Geophysical Journal International 221 (3), 1777-1788, 2020
Improvement of 2D ERT measurements conducted along a small earth-filled dyke using 3D topographic data and 3D computation of geometric factors
G Bièvre, L Oxarango, T Günther, D Goutaland, M Massardi
Journal of Applied Geophysics 153, 100-112, 2018
Paleotopographic control of landslides in lacustrine deposits (Trièves plateau, French western Alps)
G Bièvre, U Kniess, D Jongmans, E Pathier, S Schwartz, CJ van Westen, ...
Geomorphology 125 (1), 214-224, 2011
Integration of sedimentology and ground‐penetrating radar for high‐resolution imaging of a carbonate platform
SJ Jorry, G Bièvre
Sedimentology 58 (6), 1370-1390, 2011
Geophysical characterization of the lithological control on the kinematic pattern in a large clayey landslide (Avignonet, French Alps)
G Bièvre, D Jongmans, D Goutaland, E Pathier, V Zumbo
Landslides 13, 423-436, 2016
Clayey landslide investigations using active and passive VS measurements
F Renalier, G Bièvre, D Jongmans, M Campillo, PY Bard
Multi-method investigation of mass transfer mechanisms in a retrogressive clayey landslide (Harmalière, French Alps)
S Fiolleau, D Jongmans, G Bièvre, G Chambon, P Lacroix, A Helmstetter, ...
Landslides 18, 1981-2000, 2021
Preferential Water Infiltration Path in a Slow‐Moving Clayey Earthslide Evidenced by Cross‐Correlation of Hydrometeorological Time Series (Charlaix Landslide, French Western Alps)
G Bièvre, A Joseph, C Bertrand
Geofluids 2018 (1), 9593267, 2018
Synsedimentary collapse on a carbonate platform margin (lower Barremian, southern Vercors, SE France)
G Bièvre, D Quesne
Geodiversitas 26 (2), 169-184, 2004
Geological and geophysical investigations to analyse a lateral spreading phenomenon: the case study of Torrioni di Rialba, northern Italy
D Arosio, L Longoni, M Papini, G Bièvre, L Zanzi
Landslides 16, 1257-1271, 2019
Electrical resistivity monitoring of an earthslide with electrodes located outside the unstable zone (Pont‐Bourquin landslide, Swiss Alps)
G Bièvre, D Jongmans, T Lebourg, S Carrière
Near Surface Geophysics 19 (2), 225-239, 2021
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Articles 1–20