Maria do Céu Silva, Researcher
Maria do Céu Silva, Researcher
CIFC/-Coffee Rusts Research Center/Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa
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Cited by
Coffee resistance to the main diseases: leaf rust and coffee berry disease.
NM Silva MC, Várzea V, Guerra-Guimarães L, Azinheira
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18, 119-147, 2006
The coffee leaf rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix: one and a half centuries around the tropics
P Talhinhas, D Batista, I Diniz, A Vieira, DN Silva, A Loureiro, S Tavares, ...
Molecular plant pathology 18 (8), 1039, 2017
Hypersensitive cell death and post-haustorial defense responses arrest the orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix) growth in resistant coffee leaves.
RJCJ Silva MC, Nicole M, Guerra-Guimarães L
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 60, 169-183., 2002
Epidemiology, histopathology and aetiology of olive anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides in Portugal
OH Talhinhas P, Mota-Capitão C, Martins S, Ramos AP
Plant Pathology 60, 483–495, 2011
Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genes early expressed during infection by the rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix)
NM Fernandez D, Santos P, Agostini C, Bon M-C
Molecular Plant Pathology 5, 527-536, 2004
Genome size analyses of Pucciniales reveal the largest fungal genomes
S Tavares, AP Ramos, AS Pires, HG Azinheira, P Caldeirinha, T Link, ...
Frontiers in plant science 5, 422, 2014
Introgression molecular analysis of a leaf rust resistance gene from Coffea liberica into Coffea arabica L
LP Prakash NS, Marques DV, Várzea VMP, Silva MC
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109, 1311-1317, 2004
454-pyrosequencing of Coffea arabica leaves infected by the rust fungus Hemileia vastatrix reveals in planta-expressed pathogen-secreted proteins and plant functions in a late …
DS Fernandez D, Tisserant E, Talhinhas P, Azinheira H
Molecular Plant Pathology 13, 17-37, 2012
Hypersensitive-like reaction conferred by the Mex-1 resistance gene against Meloidogyne exigua in coffee
MN F. Anthony , P. Topart , A. Martinez , M. Silva
Plant Pathology 54, 476-482, 2005
Apressorium turgor pressure of Colletotrichum kahawae may have a role in coffee cuticle penetration.
RJCJ Chen Z, Nunes MA, Silva MC
Mycologia 96, 1199–1208, 2004
Cytochemical aspects of the plant-rust fungus interface during the compatible interaction Coffea arabica (cv. Caturra)-Hemileia vastatrix (race III)".
RJCJ Silva MC, Nicole M, Rijo L, Geiger JP
International Journal of Plant Sciences 160, 79-91, 1999
Involvement of peroxidases in the hypersensitive reaction of coffee (Coffea arabica) plants to orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix).
NM Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Loureiro A
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 72, 29-38, 2008
Monitoring of the early resistance responses of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) to the rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix) using real-time quantitative RT-PCR
DF D. Ganesh, A-S. Petitot, M.C. Silva, R. Alary, A-C. Lecouls
Plant science 170, 1045-1051, 2006
Cellular and molecular analyses of coffee resistance to Hemileia vastatrix and non-host resistance to Uromyces vignae in the resistance-donor genotype HDT832/2
FDSMC Diniz I, Talhinhas P, Azinheira HG, Várzea V
European Journal of Plant Pathology 133, 141-157, 2012
Proteomic analysis of apoplastic fluid of Coffea arabica leaves highlights novel biomarkers for resistance against Hemileia vastatrix
L Guerra-Guimarães, R Tenente, C Pinheiro, I Chaves, MC Silva, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 478, 2015
Additional physiological races of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) identified in Kenya
VVMP Gichuru EK, Ithiru JM, Silva MC, Pereira AP
Tropical Plant Pathology 37, 424-427, 2012
An Overview of the Mechanisms Involved in Coffee-Hemileia vastatrix Interactions: Plant and Pathogen Perspectives
MC Silva, L Guerra-Guimarães, I Diniz, A Loureiro, H Azinheira, ...
Agronomy 12 (2), 326, 2022
Validation of RT-qPCR reference genes for in planta expression studies in the obligate biotrophic pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, the causal agent of coffee leaf rust
A Vieira, P Talhinhas, A Loureiro, S Duplessis, D Fernandez, MC Silva, ...
Fungal Biology 115 (9), 891-901, 2011
Coffee resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae is associated with lignification, accumulation of phenols and cell death at infection sites.
SMC Loureiro A, Nicole M, Várzea V, Moncada P
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology . 77, 23-32, 2012
Dietary antioxidants in coffee leaves: Impact of botanical origin and maturity on chlorogenic acids and xanthones
 Monteiro, S Colomban, HG Azinheira, L Guerra-Guimarães, ...
Antioxidants 9 (1), 6, 2019
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Articles 1–20