Dr Martin A. Hamilton
Cited by
Cited by
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi
A Antonelli, RJ Smith, C Fry, MSJ Simmonds, PJ Kersey, HW Pritchard, ...
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew); Sfumato Foundation, 2020
The role of botanic gardens in the science and practice of ecological restoration
KA Hardwick, P Fiedler, LC Lee, B Pavlik, RJ Hobbs, J Aronson, ...
Conservation Biology 25 (2), 265-275, 2011
Spatial structure and genetic diversity of natural populations of the Caribbean pine, Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis (Pinaceae), in the Bahaman archipelago
M Sanchez, MJ Ingrouille, RS Cowan, MA Hamilton, MF Fay
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174 (3), 359-383, 2014
Toumeyella parvicornis (Hemiptera: Coccidae), causing severe decline of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis in the Turks and Caicos Islands
C Malumphy, MA Hamilton, BN Manco, PWC Green, MD Sanchez, ...
Florida Entomologist 95 (1), 113-119, 2012
Current knowledge, status, and future for plant and fungal diversity in Great Britain and the UK Overseas Territories
C Clubbe, AM Ainsworth, S Bárrios, K Bensusan, J Brodie, P Cannon, ...
Plants, People, Planet 2 (5), 557-579, 2020
Using the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation to guide conservation implementation in the UK Overseas Territories
C Clubbe, M Hamilton, M Corcoran
Kew Bulletin 65, 509-517, 2010
Predicting the potential threat of Casuarina equisetifolia to three endemic plant species on the Turks and Caicos Islands
CJ Hardman, S Williams, BN Manco, MA Hamilton
Oryx 46 (2), 204-212, 2012
Darwin Initiative action plan for the coastal biodiversity of Anegada, British Virgin Islands
A McGowan, AC Broderick, C Clubbe, S Gore, BJ Godley, M Hamilton, ...
Unpublished report submitted to Darwin Initiative, 1-13, 2006
Trapping confirms aerial recruitment of pine tortoise scale (Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell)) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
C Malumphy, MA Hamilton, MD Sanchez, PWC Green
Turks and Caicos Islands invasive pine scale
M Hamilton
Biodiversity that matters: a conference on conservation in UK Overseas …, 2006
Conserving and restoring the Caicos pine forests: The first decade
MD Sanchez, BN Manco, J Blaise, M Corcoran, MA Hamilton
Plant diversity 41 (2), 75-83, 2019
Boraginaceae Varronia rupicola (Urb.) Brtton: biogeography, systematic placement and conservation genetics of a threatened species endemic to the Caribbean
MA Hamilton
Birkbeck, University of London, 2016
Tropical Important Plant Areas, plant species richness and conservation in the British Virgin Islands
MD Sanchez, C Clubbe, N Woodfield-Pascoe, S Bárrios, JS Abbott, ...
Nature Conservation 45, 11-39, 2021
Plants and habitats of the Centre Hills and Montserrat
MA Hamilton, C Clubbe, SK Robbins, S Bárrios, RP Young
A biodiversity assessment of the Centre Hills, Montserrat. Durrell …, 2008
New island record and conservation status of Puerto Rican Bank endemic plant species, Ruehssia woodburyana (Acev.-Rodr.) Goyder, comb. nov., formally transferred from Marsdenia
S Bárrios, JA Sustache, D Goyder, MA Hamilton
Biodiversity Data Journal 8, 2020
First report of lesser snow scale Pinnaspis strachani (Cooley) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) killing Varronia rupicola (Urb.) Britton in the British Virgin Islands.
C Malumphy, MD Sanchez, MA Hamilton
The role of native species nurseries in mitigating threats from invasive species: case studies from UK Overseas Territories.
C Clubbe, M Hamilton, M Corcoran
A plan for the conservation of endemic and native flora on Ascension Island
P Lambdon, S Stroud, C Clubbe, A Gray, M Hamilton, M NISSALO, ...
A guide to conservation management, produced for the Ascension Island …, 2009
British Virgin Islands June 2018 fieldwork report. Overseas Fieldwork Committee registration number 559-18
MA Hamilton, K Martin, S Bárrios
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2018
Developing horticultural protocols for threatened plants from the UK Overseas Territories
M Corocoran, MA Hamilton, C Clubbe
Sibbaldia: the International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture, 67-88, 2014
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Articles 1–20