Dennis Howard
Dennis Howard
Professor of Marketing, University of Oregon
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Developing a tourism impact attitude scale
SV Lankford, DR Howard
Annals of tourism research 21 (1), 121-139, 1994
Analyzing the commitment-loyalty link in service contexts
MP Pritchard, ME Havitz, DR Howard
Journal of the academy of marketing science 27, 333-348, 1999
Using the psychological commitment to team (PCT) scale to segment sport consumers based on loyalty.
DF Mahony, R Madrigal, D Howard
Sport marketing quarterly 9 (1), 2000
The loyal traveler: Examining a typology of service patronage
MP Pritchard, DR Howard
Journal of travel research 35 (4), 2-10, 1997
Financing sport
DR Howard, JL Crompton
(No Title), 1995
Testing the involvement profile (IP) scale in the context of selected recreational and touristic activities
F Dimanche, ME Havitz, DR Howard
Journal of leisure research 23 (1), 51-66, 1991
Loyalty measurement: A critical examination and theoretical extension
MP Pritchard, DR Howard, ME Havitz
Leisure Sciences 14 (2), 155-164, 1992
The complex and dynamic nature of leisure experience
Y Lee, J Dattilo, D Howard
Journal of Leisure research 26 (3), 195-211, 1994
Testing an international tourist role typology
C Mo, DR Howard, ME Havitz
Annals of tourism research 20 (2), 319-335, 1993
Who makes the decision: The parent or the child? The perceived influence of parents and children on the purchase of recreation services
DR Howard, R Madrigal
Journal of leisure research 22 (3), 244-258, 1990
Ego involvement and leisure behavior: A conceptual specification
SW Selin, DR Howard
Journal of leisure Research 20 (3), 237-244, 1988
How enduring is enduring involvement? A seasonal examination of three recreational activities
ME Havitz, DR Howard
Journal of consumer Psychology 4 (3), 255-276, 1995
Air travel information and computer data compilation, retrieval and display method and system
B Davis, S Blachowicz, L Brasfield, D Howard, D Helms, C Paynter, ...
US Patent 6,353,794, 2002
An analysis of consumer loyalty to municipal recreation programs
SW Selin, DR Howard, E Udd, TT Cable
Taylor & Francis Group 10 (3), 217-223, 1988
Financing, managing and marketing recreation and park resources.
D Howard, JL Crompton
Who are the consumers of public park and recreation services? An analysis of the users and non-users of three municipal leisure service organizations.
DR Howard, JL Crompton
Sport business in the next decade: A general overview of expected trends
DF Mahony, DR Howard
Journal of sport management 15 (4), 275-296, 2001
Consumer involvement profiles as a tourism segmentation tool
DF Dimanche, DME Havitz, DDR Howard
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 1 (4), 33-52, 1993
Contemporary attitude theory in sport: Theoretical considerations and implications
DC Funk, CP Haugtvedt, DR Howard
Sport Management Review 3 (2), 125-144, 2000
Athletic success and private giving to athletic and academic programs at NCAA institutions
JL Stinson, DR Howard
Journal of Sport Management 21 (2), 235-264, 2007
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Articles 1–20