Sara Taylor
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Cited by
Automatic identification of artifacts in electrodermal activity data
S Taylor, N Jaques, W Chen, S Fedor, A Sano, R Picard
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Identifying objective physiological markers and modifiable behaviors for self-reported stress and mental health status using wearable sensors and mobile phones: observational study
A Sano, S Taylor, AW McHill, AJK Phillips, LK Barger, E Klerman, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (6), e210, 2018
Personalized multitask learning for predicting tomorrow's mood, stress, and health
S Taylor, N Jaques, E Nosakhare, A Sano, R Picard
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11 (2), 200-213, 2017
Recognizing academic performance, sleep quality, stress level, and mental health using personality traits, wearable sensors and mobile phones
A Sano, AJ Phillips, ZY Amy, AW McHill, S Taylor, N Jaques, CA Czeisler, ...
2015 IEEE 12th international conference on wearable and implantable body …, 2015
Predicting students' happiness from physiology, phone, mobility, and behavioral data
N Jaques, S Taylor, A Azaria, A Ghandeharioun, A Sano, R Picard
2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2015
Multimodal autoencoder: A deep learning approach to filling in missing sensor data and enabling better mood prediction
N Jaques, S Taylor, A Sano, R Picard
2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2017
Predicting tomorrow’s mood, health, and stress level using personalized multitask learning and domain adaptation
N Jaques, OO Rudovic, S Taylor, A Sano, R Picard
IJCAI 2017 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Affective Computing, 17-33, 2017
Improving students' daily life stress forecasting using LSTM neural networks
T Umematsu, A Sano, S Taylor, RW Picard
2019 IEEE EMBS international conference on biomedical & health informatics …, 2019
Stress measurement using speech: Recent advancements, validation issues, and ethical and privacy considerations
GM Slavich, S Taylor, RW Picard
Stress 22 (4), 408-413, 2019
Wavelet-based motion artifact removal for electrodermal activity
W Chen, N Jaques, S Taylor, A Sano, S Fedor, RW Picard
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Multi-task learning for predicting health, stress, and happiness
N Jaques, S Taylor, E Nosakhare, A Sano, R Picard
NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Healthcare 34, 2016
Multimodal ambulatory sleep detection using LSTM recurrent neural networks
A Sano, W Chen, D Lopez-Martinez, S Taylor, RW Picard
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (4), 1607-1617, 2018
“Kind and Grateful”: A context-sensitive smartphone app utilizing inspirational content to promote gratitude
A Ghandeharioun, A Azaria, S Taylor, RW Picard
Psychology of well-being 6, 1-21, 2016
Prediction of happy-sad mood from daily behaviors and previous sleep history
A Sano, ZY Amy, AW McHill, AJK Phillips, S Taylor, N Jaques, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Multi-task, multi-kernel learning for estimating individual wellbeing
N Jaques, S Taylor, A Sano, R Picard
Proc. NIPS Workshop on Multimodal Machine Learning, Montreal, Quebec 898, 3, 2015
Association of intensive vs standard blood pressure control with magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers of alzheimer disease: secondary analysis of the SPRINT MIND randomized trial
IM Nasrallah, SA Gaussoin, R Pomponio, S Dolui, G Erus, CB Wright, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (5), 568-577, 2021
Active learning for electrodermal activity classification
V Xia, N Jaques, S Taylor, S Fedor, R Picard
2015 ieee signal processing in medicine and biology symposium (spmb), 1-6, 2015
Use of in-game rewards to motivate daily self-report compliance: Randomized controlled trial
S Taylor, C Ferguson, F Peng, M Schoeneich, RW Picard
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (1), e11683, 2019
Multimodal ambulatory sleep detection
W Chen, A Sano, DL Martinez, S Taylor, AW McHill, AJK Phillips, L Barger, ...
2017 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics …, 2017
Forecasting stress, mood, and health from daytime physiology in office workers and students
T Umematsu, A Sano, S Taylor, M Tsujikawa, RW Picard
2020 42nd annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
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Articles 1–20