Reinhard Klenke
Reinhard Klenke
Scientist at iDiv affil. with Martin-Luther-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
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The dark side of light: a transdisciplinary research agenda for light pollution policy
F Hölker, T Moss, B Griefahn, W Kloas, CC Voigt, D Henckel, A Hänel, ...
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 2010
Understanding forest health with remote sensing, Part III: Requirements for a scalable multi-source forest health monitoring network based on data science approaches.
A Lausch, E Borg, J Bumberger, P Dietrich, M Heurich, A Huth, A Jung, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (1120), 2018
Linking Earth Observation and taxonomic, structural and functional biodiversity: Local to ecosystem perspectives
A Lausch, L Bannehr, M Beckmann, C Boehm, H Feilhauer, JM Hacker, ...
Ecological Indicators 70, 317-339, 2016
Sleepless in town–drivers of the temporal shift in dawn song in urban European blackbirds
A Nordt, R Klenke
PloS one 8 (8), e71476, 2013
Vulnerability of ground-nesting waterbirds to predation by invasive American mink in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile
E Schüttler, R Klenke, S McGehee, R Rozzi, K Jax
Biological Conservation 142 (7), 1450-1460, 2009
Seize the night: European Blackbirds (Turdus merula) extend their foraging activity under artificial illumination
A Russ, A Rüger, R Klenke
Journal of Ornithology 156, 123-131, 2015
How to overcome genotyping errors in non‐invasive genetic mark‐recapture population size estimation—A review of available methods illustrated by a case study
S Lampa, K Henle, R Klenke, M Hoehn, B Gruber
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (8), 1490-1511, 2013
More losses than gains during one century of plant biodiversity change in Germany
U Jandt, H Bruelheide, F Jansen, A Bonn, V Grescho, RA Klenke, ...
Nature 611 (7936), 512-518, 2022
Temporal trends in the spatial bias of species occurrence records
DE Bowler, CT Callaghan, N Bhandari, K Henle, M Benjamin Barth, ...
Ecography 2022 (8), e06219, 2022
Non-invasive genetic mark-recapture as a means to study population sizes and marking behaviour of the elusive Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra)
S Lampa, JB Mihoub, B Gruber, R Klenke, K Henle
PLoS One 10 (5), e0125684, 2015
The use of coded wire tags to estimate cormorant predation on fish stocks in an estuary
N Jepsen, R Klenke, P Sonnesen, T Bregnballe
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (3), 320-329, 2010
Seasonal and urban effects on the endocrinology of a wild passerine
A Russ, S Reitemeier, A Weissmann, J Gottschalk, A Einspanier, ...
Ecology and Evolution 5 (23), 5698-5710, 2015
Out of the dark: establishing a large-scale field experiment to assess the effects of artificial light at night on species and food webs
SIJ Holzhauer, S Franke, CCM Kyba, A Manfrin, R Klenke, CC Voigt, ...
Sustainability 7 (11), 15593-15616, 2015
Human-wildlife conflicts in Europe
R Klenke, I Ring, A Kranz, N Jepsen, F Rauschmayer, K Henle
Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2013
Aquatic insect larvae as indicators of limiting minimal contents of dissolved oxygen‐part II
U Jacob, H Walther, R Klenke
Aquatic insects 6 (3), 185-190, 1984
Scaling in ecology and biodiversity conservation
K Henle, V Grobelnik
Pensoft, 2014
Freiraum und Naturschutz: die Wirkungen von Störungen und Zerschneidungen in der Landschaft
H Baier, F Erdmann, R Holz, A Waterstraat
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
Altered breeding biology of the European blackbird under artificial light at night
A Russ, T Lučeničová, R Klenke
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (8), 1114-1125, 2017
Habitat use and sensitivity to fragmentation in America’s smallest wildcat
E Schüttler, R Klenke, S Galuppo, RA Castro, C Bonacic, J Laker, K Henle
Mammalian Biology 86, 1-8, 2017
Decision-making of citizen scientists when recording species observations
DE Bowler, N Bhandari, L Repke, C Beuthner, CT Callaghan, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 11069, 2022
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Articles 1–20