Julio C. Góez
Julio C. Góez
NHH, Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
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Autonomous vessels: state of the art and potential opportunities in logistics
Y Gu, JC Góez, M Guajardo, SW Wallace
International Transactions in Operational Research 28 (4), 1706–1739, 2021
A conic representation of the convex hull of disjunctive sets and conic cuts for integer second order cone optimization
P Belotti, JC Góez, I Pólik, T Ralphs, T Terlaky
Numerical Analysis and Optimization, NAO-III, Muscat, Oman, January 2014 134 …, 2015
On families of quadratic surfaces having fixed intersections with two hyperplanes
P Belotti, JC Goez, T Ralphs, I Pólik, T Terlaky
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (16-17), 2778-2793, 2013
A Complete Characterization of Disjunctive Conic Cuts for Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Optimization
P Belotti, JC Góez, I Pólik, TK Ralphs, T Terlaky
Discrete Optimization 24, 3-31, 2016
Stochasic Unit Committment Problem
JC Goez, J Luedtke, D Rajan, J Kalagnanam
Mixed integer second order cone optimization disjunctive conic cuts: theory and experiments
JC Góez
Lehigh University, 2013
Efficiency and fairness criteria in the assignment of students to projects
N Rezaeinia, JC Góez, M Guajardo
Annals of Operations Research, 2021
jMarkov: an object-oriented framework for modeling and analyzing Markov chains and QBDs
G Riaño, JC Góez
Proceeding from the 2006 workshop on Tools for solving structured Markov …, 2006
jMarkov User's Guide
G Riano, JC Góez
Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, 2005
Second-Order Cone Optimization Formulations for Service System Design Problems with Congestion
JC Góez, MF Anjos
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, 97--120, 2019
jMarkov: An Integrated Framework for Markov Chain Modeling
JF Pérez, DF Silva, JC Góez, A Sarmiento, A Sarmiento-Romero, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 43 (3), 2017
Insights on the introduction of autonomous vessels to liner shipping networks
GT Hong Nguyen, D Ruzaeva, JC Góez, M Guajardo
Journal of Shipping and Trade 7 (1), 2022
On efficiency and the Jain’s fairness index in integer assignment problems
N Rezaeinia, JC Góez, M Guajardo
Computational Management Science 20, 2023
Effects of disjunctive conic cuts within a branch and conic cut algorithm to solve asset allocation problems
SB Çay, JC Góez, T Terlaky
Technical Report 16T–005, 2016
On pathological disjunctions and redundant disjunctive conic cuts
M Shahabsafa, JC Góez, T Terlaky
Operations Research Letters 46 (5), 500-504, 2018
Desarrollo de un módulo para modelar y resolver procesos de cuasi nacimiento y muerte como adición a la librería Jmarkov
JC Góez, G Riaño
jMarkov package: a stochastic modeling tool
M Cote, G Riaño, R Akhavan-Tabatabaei, JF Perez, A Sarmiento, ...
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 39 (4), 48-48, 2012
Autonomous Ferries in Light of Labor Regulations—A Passenger Perspective
C Braathen, JC Góez, M Guajardo
Maritime Transport Research 7, 2024
Analytics and models for maritime logistics and systems
K Fagerholt, KH Kim, Q Meng, JC Góez, F Meisel, M Stålhane
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 31, 563-566, 2019
Supplement to the paper: On pathological disjunctions and redundant disjunctive conic cuts
M Shahabsafa, JC Góez, T Terlaky
ISE Technical Report 18T-007, Lehigh University, 2018
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