Francisco S Tortosa
Francisco S Tortosa
Department of Zoology, Cordoba University (Spain)
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Effect of rubbish dumps on breeding success in the White Stork in southern Spain
FS Tortosa, JM Caballero, J Reyes-López
Waterbirds 25 (1), 39-43, 2002
Effect of food abundance on laying date and clutch size in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia
FS Tortosa, L Pérez, L Hillström
Bird Study 50 (2), 112-115, 2003
Effects of density, climate, and supplementary forage on body mass and pregnancy rates of female red deer in Spain
P Rodriguez-Hidalgo, C Gortázar, FS Tortosa, C Rodriguez-Vigal, ...
Oecologia 164, 389-398, 2010
Motives for parental infanticide in White Storks Ciconia ciconia
FS Tortosa, T Redondo
Ornis Scandinavica, 185-189, 1992
Habitat selection and home range size of red-legged partridges in Spain
FJ Buenestado, P Ferreras, M Delibes-Mateos, FS Tortosa, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 126 (3-4), 158-162, 2008
Towards a standardized index of European rabbit abundance in Iberian Mediterranean habitats
J Fernandez-de-Simon, F Díaz-Ruiz, F Cirilli, FS Tortosa, R Villafuerte, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 1091-1100, 2011
Wintering white storks (Ciconia ciconia) in South West Spain in the years 1991 and 1992
FS Tortosa, M Manez, M Barcell
Die Vogelwarte 38 (1), 41-45, 1995
Nest switching and alloparental care in colonial white storks
T Redondo, FS Tortosa, LA deREYNA
Animal Behaviour 49 (4), 1097-1110, 1995
Land use and biodiversity patterns of the herpetofauna: The role of olive groves
AJ Carpio, J Oteros, FS Tortosa, J Guerrero-Casado
Acta Oecologica 70, 103-111, 2016
Survival and causes of mortality among wild Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in southern Spain: implications for conservation
FJ Buenestado, P Ferreras, JA BLANCO‐AGUIAR, FS Tortosa, ...
Ibis 151 (4), 720-730, 2009
Arthropod biodiversity in olive groves under two soil management systems: presence versus absence of herbaceous cover crop
AJ Carpio, J Castro, FS Tortosa
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21 (1), 58-68, 2019
Alternative food and rabbit damage in vineyards of southern Spain
IC Barrio, CG Bueno, FS Tortosa
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 138 (1-2), 51-54, 2010
Food supply and external cues limit the clutch size and hatchability in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia
S Djerdali, FS Tortosa, L Hillstrom, S Doumandji
Acta Ornithologica 43 (2), 145-150, 2008
Frequent copulations despite low sperm competition in white storks (Ciconia ciconia)
FS Tortosa, T Redondo
Behaviour, 288-315, 1992
Hunting as a source of alien species: a European review
AJ Carpio, J Guerrero-Casado, JA Barasona, FS Tortosa, J Vicente, ...
Biological Invasions 19, 1197-1211, 2017
Angling as a source of non-native freshwater fish: a European review
AJ Carpio, RJ De Miguel, J Oteros, L Hillström, FS Tortosa
Biological Invasions 21, 3233-3248, 2019
Development of thermoregulatory ability during ontogeny in the white stork Ciconia ciconia
FS Tortosa, F Castro
Sociedad Española de Ornitología, 2003
Prey naiveté in an introduced prey species: the wild rabbit in Australia
IC Barrio, CG Bueno, PB Banks, FS Tortosa
Behavioral Ecology 21 (5), 986-991, 2010
Assessment of methods for estimating wild rabbit population abundance in agricultural landscapes
IC Barrio, P Acevedo, FS Tortosa
European Journal of Wildlife Research 56, 335-340, 2010
Environmental challenges of intensive woody crops: The case of super high-density olive groves
J Guerrero-Casado, AJ Carpio, FS Tortosa, AJ Villanueva
Science of the Total Environment 798, 149212, 2021
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