Testing the robustness of management decisions to uncertainty: Everglades restoration scenarios MM Fuller, LJ Gross, SM Duke-Sylvester, M Palmer Ecological Applications 18 (3), 711-723, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Modelling stand development after partial harvests: An empirically based, spatially explicit analysis for lowland black spruce HC Thorpe, MC Vanderwel, MM Fuller, SC Thomas, JP Caspersen Ecological Modelling 221 (2), 256-267, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
Ontogenetic variation in the autecology of the greater earless lizard Cophosaurus texanus RD Durtsche, PJ Gier, MM Fuller, WI Lutterschmidt, R Bradley, CK Meier, ... Ecography 20 (4), 336-346, 1997 | 24 | 1997 |
Temporal dynamics and causes of postharvest mortality in a selection-managed tolerant hardwood forest AR Martin, JP Caspersen, MM Fuller, TA Jones, SC Thomas Forest ecology and management 314, 183-192, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Using network analysis to characterize forest structure MM Fuller, A Wagner, BJ Enquist Natural Resource Modeling 21 (2), 225-247, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Accounting for spatial autocorrelation in null models of tree species association MM Fuller, BJ Enquist Ecography 35 (6), 510-518, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Computational science for natural resource management MM Fuller, D Wang, LJ Gross, MW Berry Computing in Science & Engineering 9 (4), 40-48, 2007 | 20 | 2007 |
Predator–prey systems depend on a prey refuge WJ Chivers, W Gladstone, RD Herbert, MM Fuller Journal of theoretical biology 360, 271-278, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Individualistic population responses of five frog species in two changing tropical environments over time MJ Ryan, MM Fuller, NJ Scott, JA Cook, S Poe, B Willink, G Chaves, ... PloS one 9 (5), e98351, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Emergence in ecological systems JA Drake, M Fuller, CR Zimmerman, JGP Gamarra From energetics to ecosystems: The dynamics and structure of ecological …, 2007 | 11 | 2007 |
Effects of predation and variation in species relative abundance on the parameters of neutral models MM Fuller, TN Romanuk, J Kolasa Community Ecology 6 (2), 229-240, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
Modeling the invasion process MM Fuller, JA Drake Nonindigenous freshwater organisms–vectors, biology, and impacts. Lewis …, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
Community structure and metacommunity dynamics of aquatic invertebrates: A test of the neutral theory MM Fuller, TN Romanuk, J Kolasa arXiv preprint q-bio/0406023, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Origin and distribution of leopard frogs, Rana pipiens complex, in California MR Jennings, MM Fuller California Fish and Game 90 (3), 119-139, 2004 | 3 | 2004 |
Species association networks of tropical trees have a non-neutral structure MM Fuller, BJ Enquist, A Wagner Chance, Determinism and Community Structure: An Assessment of Ecological …, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |
The distribution of a host‐specific canopy parasite is linked with local species diversity in a northern temperate forest R Patankar, MM Fuller, SM Smith, SC Thomas Journal of vegetation science 25 (4), 1015-1023, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |
Triumphs and Tribulations: An Intimate Account of How Long-Term Funding Affects the Lives of Scientists MM Fuller BioScience 67 (5), 477-478, 2017 | | 2017 |
The distribution of a host-specific canopy parasite is linked with local species diversity in a northern temperate forest. RP Rajit Patankar, MM Fuller, SM Smith, SC Thomas | | 2014 |
Order from Chaos? Making the Case for a General Theory of Ecology MM Fuller BioScience 62 (4), 435-436, 2012 | | 2012 |
COS 99-10: Post-harvest mortality in selection-managed northern hardwoods: A spatial analysis of edge effects MM Fuller, FH Smith, SC Thomas The 95th ESA Annual Meeting, 2010 | | 2010 |