María Andrea Relva
María Andrea Relva
Laboratorio Ecotono, INIBIOMA (CONICET- Universidad Nacional del Comahue)
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Cited by
Introduced deer reduce native plant cover and facilitate invasion of non-native tree species: evidence for invasional meltdown
MA Relva, MA Nunez, D Simberloff
Biological Invasions 12, 303-311, 2010
Impacts of introduced large herbivores on Austrocedrus chilensis forests in northern Patagonia, Argentina
MA Relva, TT Veblen
Forest Ecology and management 108 (1-2), 27-40, 1998
Gringos En El Bosque: Introduced Tree Invasion in a Native Nothofagus/Austrocedrus Forest
D Simberloff, MA Relva, M Nuñez
Biological Invasions 4, 35-53, 2002
Seed predation as a barrier to alien conifer invasions
MA Nunez, D Simberloff, MA Relva
Biological invasions 10, 1389-1398, 2008
Introduced Species and Management of a Nothofagus/Austrocedrus Forest
D Simberloff, MA Relva, M Nunez
Environmental Management 31, 0263-0275, 2003
Effects of introduced ungulates on forest understory communities in northern Patagonia are modified by timing and severity of stand mortality
MA Relva, CL Westerholm, T Kitzberger
Forest Ecology: Recent Advances in Plant Ecology, 11-22, 2009
Enemy release or invasional meltdown? Deer preference for exotic and native trees on Isla Victoria, Argentina
MA Nuñez, MA Relva, D Simberloff
Austral Ecology 33 (3), 317-323, 2008
Impacts of domestic cattle on forest and woody ecosystems in southern South America
F Mazzini, MA Relva, LR Malizia
Plant Ecology 219, 913-925, 2018
Patterns of use and damage by exotic deer on native plant communities in northwestern Patagonia
MN Barrios-Garcia, MA Relva, T Kitzberger
European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 137-146, 2012
Habitat use by colonial tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sociabilis): specialization, variation, and sociality
MN Tammone, EA Lacey, MA Relva
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (6), 1409-1419, 2012
Litter and soil properties are not altered by invasive deer browsing in forests of NW Patagonia
MA Relva, E Castán, MJ Mazzarino
Acta Oecologica 54, 45-50, 2014
Plantaciones de coníferas exóticas en Patagonia: los riesgos de plantar sin un manejo adecuado
E Raffaele, MA Núñez, MA Relva
Ecología austral 25 (2), 89-92, 2015
Sus scrofa
SA Ballari, S Cirignoli, M Winter, MF Cuevas, ML Merino, M Monteverde, ...
SAyDS–SAREM (eds) Categorización, 2019
Effects of simulated browsing on the growth of Austrocedrus chilensis saplings
MA Relva, LA Sancholuz
Plant Ecology 151 (2), 121-127, 2000
Factores que facilitan y retrasan la invasión de coníferas exóticas en la Isla Victoria
MA Relva, MA Nuñez
Ecología austral 24 (2), 145-153, 2014
Regeneración de Austrocedrus chilensis
A Rovere, M Gobbi, A Relva
Ecología y manejo de bosques de la Argentina. Editorial de la Universidad …, 2005
Composición estacional de la dieta de ciervos exóticos en Isla Victoria, PN Nahuel Huapi, Argentina
MA Relva, MS Caldiz
Gayana (Zool) 62 (2), 101-108, 1998
Ungulates can control tree invasions: experimental evidence from nonnative conifers and sheep herbivory
LB Zamora Nasca, MA Relva, MA Nuñez
Biological invasions 20, 583-591, 2018
Introduced deer affect native plant communities and facilitate non-native tree species in a temperate forests in Patagonia, Argentina
MA Relva, MA Nuñez, D Simberloff
Biological invasions 12, 303-311, 2010
Symposium summary: Introduced conifer invasions in South America: an update
A Pauchard, MA Nuñez, E Raffaele, RO Bustamante, N Ledgard, ...
Frontiers of Biogeography 2 (2), 2010
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Articles 1–20