Anthropogenic impacts in North Poland over the last 1300 years—a record of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and S in an ombrotrophic peat bog F De Vleeschouwer, N Fagel, A Cheburkin, A Pazdur, J Sikorski, ... Science of the Total Environment 407 (21), 5674-5684, 2009 | 104 | 2009 |
Climate variability of southern Chile since the Last Glacial Maximum: a continuous sedimentological record from Lago Puyehue (40 S) S Bertrand, F Charlet, B Charlier, V Renson, N Fagel Journal of Paleolimnology 39, 179-195, 2008 | 77 | 2008 |
Quantitative WD‐XRF calibration for small ceramic samples and their source material F De Vleeschouwer, V Renson, P Claeys, K Nys, R Bindler Geoarchaeology 26 (3), 440-450, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Lead isotopic analysis for the identification of Late Bronze Age pottery from Hala Sultan Tekke (Cyprus) V Renson, J Coenaerts, K Nys, N Mattielli, F Vanhaecke, N Fagel, ... Archaeometry 53 (1), 37-57, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century S Waldman, D Backenroth, É Harney, S Flohr, NC Neff, GM Buckley, ... Cell 185 (25), 4703-4716. e16, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
Roman road pollution assessed by elemental and lead isotope geochemistry in East Belgium V Renson, N Fagel, N Mattielli, S Nekrassoff, M Streel, ... Applied Geochemistry 23 (12), 3253-3266, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
Using lead isotopes to determine pottery provenance in Cyprus: clay source signatures and comparison with Late Bronze Age Cypriote pottery V Renson, A Jacobs, J Coenaerts, N Mattielli, K Nys, P Claeys Geoarchaeology 28 (6), 517-530, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Lead isotopic analysis within a multiproxy approach to trace pottery sources. The example of White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus and Syria V Renson, A Martínez-Cortizas, N Mattielli, J Coenaerts, C Sauvage, ... Applied geochemistry 28, 220-234, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Lead and sulfur isotope composition of trace occurrences of Mississippi Valley-type mineralization in the US midcontinent JD Field, MS Appold, V Renson, RM Coveney Jr Journal of Geochemical Exploration 184, 66-81, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Le site archéo-paléontologique de la Belle-Roche (Belgique) dans le cadre de l’évolution géomorphologique de la vallée de l’Amblève inférieure E JUVIGNE, JM CORDY, A DEMOULIN, R GEERAERTS, HUS Joseph, ... Geologica Belgica, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Coupling lead isotope analysis and petrography to characterize fabrics of storage and trade containers from H ala S ultan Tekke (C yprus) V Renson, D Ben‐Shlomo, J Coenaerts, K Charbit‐Nataf, M Samaes, ... Archaeometry 56 (2), 261-278, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Pottery provenance in the Eastern Mediterranean using lead isotopes V Renson, KW Slane, ML Rautman, B Kidd, J Guthrie, MD Glascock Archaeometry 58, 54-67, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Origin and diet of inhabitants of the Pacific Coast of Southern Mexico during the Classic Period-Sr, C and N isotopes V Renson, M Navarro-Castillo, A Cucina, BJ Culleton, DJ Kennett, H Neff Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27, 101981, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Investigation of provenances of Early Islamic lead glazes from northern Central Asia using elemental and lead isotope analyses C Klesner, V Renson, Y Akymbek, D Killick Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-36, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Pb isotope analysis of lead, silver and copper artifacts from Dholavira RS Bisht, R Law, E Peterman, V Renson Herit: J Mutlidiscip Stud in Archaeology 3, 1-18, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Provenance of Baker River sediments (Chile, 48° S): Implications for the identification of flood deposits in fjord sediments D Liu, S Bertrand, E Vandekerkhove, V Renson Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
New perspectives on migration into the Tlajinga district of Teotihuacan: A dual-isotope approach GM Buckley, R Storey, FJ Longstaffe, DM Carballo, KG Hirth, V Renson Latin American Antiquity 32 (3), 536-556, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers for Early Formative pottery exchange in ancient Mexico V Renson, H Neff, A Martínez-Cortizas, JP Blomster, D Cheetham, ... Journal of Archaeological Science 126, 105307, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Comment on:“A novel approach to peatlands as archives of total cumulative spatial pollution loads from atmospheric deposition of airborne elements complementary to EMEP data … F De Vleeschouwer, S Baron, JM Cloy, M Enrico, V Ettler, N Fagel, ... Science of the Total Environment 737, 138699, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Mineral chemistry of the Llaima Pumice, Southern Chile: evidence for magma mixing F De Vleeschouwer, E Juvigné, V Renson, A Naranjo Geologica Belgica 8, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |