Virginie Renson
Virginie Renson
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Cited by
Anthropogenic impacts in North Poland over the last 1300 years—a record of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and S in an ombrotrophic peat bog
F De Vleeschouwer, N Fagel, A Cheburkin, A Pazdur, J Sikorski, ...
Science of the Total Environment 407 (21), 5674-5684, 2009
Climate variability of southern Chile since the Last Glacial Maximum: a continuous sedimentological record from Lago Puyehue (40 S)
S Bertrand, F Charlet, B Charlier, V Renson, N Fagel
Journal of Paleolimnology 39, 179-195, 2008
Quantitative WD‐XRF calibration for small ceramic samples and their source material
F De Vleeschouwer, V Renson, P Claeys, K Nys, R Bindler
Geoarchaeology 26 (3), 440-450, 2011
Lead isotopic analysis for the identification of Late Bronze Age pottery from Hala Sultan Tekke (Cyprus)
V Renson, J Coenaerts, K Nys, N Mattielli, F Vanhaecke, N Fagel, ...
Archaeometry 53 (1), 37-57, 2011
Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century
S Waldman, D Backenroth, É Harney, S Flohr, NC Neff, GM Buckley, ...
Cell 185 (25), 4703-4716. e16, 2022
Roman road pollution assessed by elemental and lead isotope geochemistry in East Belgium
V Renson, N Fagel, N Mattielli, S Nekrassoff, M Streel, ...
Applied Geochemistry 23 (12), 3253-3266, 2008
Using lead isotopes to determine pottery provenance in Cyprus: clay source signatures and comparison with Late Bronze Age Cypriote pottery
V Renson, A Jacobs, J Coenaerts, N Mattielli, K Nys, P Claeys
Geoarchaeology 28 (6), 517-530, 2013
Lead isotopic analysis within a multiproxy approach to trace pottery sources. The example of White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus and Syria
V Renson, A Martínez-Cortizas, N Mattielli, J Coenaerts, C Sauvage, ...
Applied geochemistry 28, 220-234, 2013
Lead and sulfur isotope composition of trace occurrences of Mississippi Valley-type mineralization in the US midcontinent
JD Field, MS Appold, V Renson, RM Coveney Jr
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 184, 66-81, 2018
Le site archéo-paléontologique de la Belle-Roche (Belgique) dans le cadre de l’évolution géomorphologique de la vallée de l’Amblève inférieure
Geologica Belgica, 2005
Coupling lead isotope analysis and petrography to characterize fabrics of storage and trade containers from H ala S ultan Tekke (C yprus)
V Renson, D Ben‐Shlomo, J Coenaerts, K Charbit‐Nataf, M Samaes, ...
Archaeometry 56 (2), 261-278, 2014
Pottery provenance in the Eastern Mediterranean using lead isotopes
V Renson, KW Slane, ML Rautman, B Kidd, J Guthrie, MD Glascock
Archaeometry 58, 54-67, 2016
Origin and diet of inhabitants of the Pacific Coast of Southern Mexico during the Classic Period-Sr, C and N isotopes
V Renson, M Navarro-Castillo, A Cucina, BJ Culleton, DJ Kennett, H Neff
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27, 101981, 2019
Investigation of provenances of Early Islamic lead glazes from northern Central Asia using elemental and lead isotope analyses
C Klesner, V Renson, Y Akymbek, D Killick
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-36, 2021
Pb isotope analysis of lead, silver and copper artifacts from Dholavira
RS Bisht, R Law, E Peterman, V Renson
Herit: J Mutlidiscip Stud in Archaeology 3, 1-18, 2015
Provenance of Baker River sediments (Chile, 48° S): Implications for the identification of flood deposits in fjord sediments
D Liu, S Bertrand, E Vandekerkhove, V Renson
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021
New perspectives on migration into the Tlajinga district of Teotihuacan: A dual-isotope approach
GM Buckley, R Storey, FJ Longstaffe, DM Carballo, KG Hirth, V Renson
Latin American Antiquity 32 (3), 536-556, 2021
Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers for Early Formative pottery exchange in ancient Mexico
V Renson, H Neff, A Martínez-Cortizas, JP Blomster, D Cheetham, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 126, 105307, 2021
Comment on:“A novel approach to peatlands as archives of total cumulative spatial pollution loads from atmospheric deposition of airborne elements complementary to EMEP data …
F De Vleeschouwer, S Baron, JM Cloy, M Enrico, V Ettler, N Fagel, ...
Science of the Total Environment 737, 138699, 2020
Mineral chemistry of the Llaima Pumice, Southern Chile: evidence for magma mixing
F De Vleeschouwer, E Juvigné, V Renson, A Naranjo
Geologica Belgica 8, 2005
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