Luigi Saulino
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Cited by
Detecting burn severity across mediterranean forest types by coupling medium-spatial resolution satellite imagery and field data
L Saulino, A Rita, A Migliozzi, C Maffei, E Allevato, AP Garonna, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (4), 741, 2020
Canopy damage by spring frost in European beech along the Apennines: effect of latitude, altitude and aspect
E Allevato, L Saulino, G Cesarano, GB Chirico, G D'Urso, SF Bolognesi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 431-440, 2019
Topography modulates near-ground microclimate in the Mediterranean Fagus sylvatica treeline
A Rita, G Bonanomi, E Allevato, M Borghetti, G Cesarano, V Mogavero, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 8122, 2021
Anthropogenic and environmental factors affect the tree line position of Fagus sylvatica along the Apennines (Italy)
G Bonanomi, A Rita, E Allevato, G Cesarano, L Saulino, G Di Pasquale, ...
Journal of Biogeography 45 (11), 2595-2608, 2018
The footprint of wildfires on mediterranean forest ecosystem services in vesuvius national park
R Silvestro, L Saulino, C Cavallo, E Allevato, S Pindozzi, E Cervelli, ...
Fire 4 (4), 95, 2021
Detection of diversity and stand parameters in Mediterranean forests using leaf-off discrete return LiDAR data
M Teobaldelli, F Cona, L Saulino, A Migliozzi, G D'Urso, G Langella, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 192, 126-138, 2017
Comparing chemistry and bioactivity of burned vs. decomposed plant litter: different pathways but same result?
G Bonanomi, G Incerti, AM Abd El‐Gawad, G Cesarano, TC Sarker, ...
Ecology 99 (1), 158-171, 2018
Windstorm disturbance triggers multiple species invasion in an urban Mediterranean forest
G Bonanomi, G Incerti, AM Abd El-Gawad, TC Sarker, A Stinca, R Motti, ...
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 11 (1), 64, 2018
Climatic and anthropogenic factors explain the variability of Fagus sylvatica treeline elevation in fifteen mountain groups across the Apennines
G Bonanomi, M Zotti, V Mogavero, G Cesarano, L Saulino, A Rita, G Tesei, ...
Forest Ecosystems 7, 1-13, 2020
Production of selected short-rotation wood crop species and quality of obtained biomass
V Civitarese, S Faugno, R Picchio, A Assirelli, G Sperandio, L Saulino, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 137, 541-552, 2018
Hydrodynamic behaviour of European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) under coppice management along Mediterranean river ecosystems
V Pasquino, L Saulino, A Pelosi, E Allevato, A Rita, L Todaro, A Saracino, ...
River Research and Applications 34 (6), 586-594, 2018
Decomposition of woody debris in Mediterranean ecosystems: the role of wood chemical and anatomical traits
G Bonanomi, M Zotti, G Cesarano, TC Sarker, L Saulino, A Saracino, ...
Plant and Soil 460, 263-280, 2021
Towards sustainable management of forest residues in the southern Apennine Mediterranean mountain forests: a scenario-based approach
MT Pergola, L Saulino, M Castellaneta, A Rita, G Pecora, M Cozzi, ...
Annals of Forest Science 79 (1), 14, 2022
Improving resilience of an old-growth urban forest in Southern Italy: Lesson (s) from a stand-replacing windstorm
M Teobaldelli, F Cona, A Stinca, L Saulino, E Anzano, D Giordano, ...
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 47, 126521, 2020
Shrub facilitation promotes advancing of the Fagus sylvatica treeline across the Apennines (Italy)
G Bonanomi, V Mogavero, A Rita, M Zotti, L Saulino, G Tesei, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (4), e13054, 2021
Topoclimate effect on treeline elevation depends on the regional framework: A contrast between Southern Alps (New Zealand) and Apennines (Italy) forests
A Rita, A Saracino, E Cieraad, L Saulino, M Zotti, M Idbella, C De Stefano, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (1), e9733, 2023
The iasi water deficit index to monitor vegetation stress and early drying in summer heatwaves: An application to southern italy
G Masiello, F Ripullone, I De Feis, A Rita, L Saulino, P Pasquariello, ...
Land 11 (8), 1366, 2022
Wildfire promotes the invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia in the unmanaged Mediterranean Castanea sativa coppice forests
L Saulino, A Rita, A Stinca, G Liuzzi, R Silvestro, S Rossi, A Saracino
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6, 1177551, 2023
Clonality drives structural patterns and shapes the community assemblage of the Mediterranean Fagus sylvatica subalpine belt
L Saulino, A Rita, M Allegrezza, M Zotti, V Mogavero, G Tesei, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 947166, 2022
Landscape planning integrated approaches to support post-wildfire restoration in natural protected areas: The vesuvius national park case study
E Cervelli, S Pindozzi, E Allevato, L Saulino, R Silvestro, E Scotto di Perta, ...
Land 11 (7), 1024, 2022
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Articles 1–20