Celine Melo
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Cited by
Predators of quail eggs, and the evidence of the remains: implications for nest predation studies
MÂ Marini, C Melo
The Condor 100 (2), 395-399, 1998
Avaliação dos impactos ambientais em nascentes na cidade de Uberlândia-MG: análise macroscópica
PM Gomes, C de Melo, VS do Vale
Sociedade & Natureza 17 (32), 103-120, 2005
Frugivory and dispersal of Faramea cyanea (Rubiaceae) in cerrado woody plant formations
C Melo, EC Bento, PE Oliveira
Brazilian Journal of Biology 63, 75-82, 2003
Avian frugivory in Miconia (Melastomataceae): contrasting fruiting times promote habitat complementarity between savanna and palm swamp
PK Maruyama, MR Borges, PA Silva, KC Burns, C Melo
Journal of Tropical Ecology 29 (2), 99-109, 2013
Oferta qualitativa e quantitativa de frutos em espécies ornitocóricas do gênero Miconia (Melastomataceae)
PKM Mendonça, EA Silva, C Melo
Revista Brasileira de Biociências 5 (S1), 672-674, 2007
Columba livia e Pitangus sulphuratus como indicadoras de qualidade ambiental em área urbana
S Amâncio, VB SOUZA, C Melo
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 16 (1), 32-37, 2008
Leukocyte profile of the helmeted manakin, Antilophia galeata (Passeriformes: Pipridae) in a Cerrado forest fragment
PVA Ribeiro, CQ Baesse, MC Cury, C Melo
Zoologia (Curitiba) 37, e46441, 2020
Levantamento da avifauna na reserva ecológica Panga (Uberlândia, MG, Brasil)
OM Júnior, AG Franchin, EF Alteff, EL da Silva Junior, C de MELO
Bioscience Journal 25 (6), 149-164, 2009
Predação de ninhos artificiais em fragmentos de matas do Brasil Central
C Melo, MA Marini
Ornitologia Neotropical 8 (1), 4, 1997
What is on the menu for frugivorous birds in the Cerrado? Fruiting phenology and nutritional traits highlight the importance of habitat complementarity
PK Maruyama, C Melo, C Pascoal, E Vicente, JCF Cardoso, VLG Brito, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 33 (3), 572-583, 2019
Effect of urbanization on the micronucleus frequency in birds from forest fragments
CQ Baesse, VC de Magalhães Tolentino, S Morelli, C Melo
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 171, 631-637, 2019
Confirmation of infanticide in the communally breeding guira cuckoo
RHF Macedo, C Melo
The Auk, 847-851, 1999
Dieta de Speotyto cunicularia Molina, 1782 (Strigiformes) na região de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais
FM Teixeira, C Melo
Ararajuba 8 (2), 127-131, 2000
Ticks on birds in a savanna (Cerrado) reserve on the outskirts of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
JO Pascoal, MP Amorim, MM Martins, C Melo, EL Silva, M Ogrzewalska, ...
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária 22 (1), 46-52, 2013
Frugivory and seed dispersal by the Helmeted Manakin (Antilophia galeata) in forests of Brazilian Cerrado
AM Silva, C Melo
Ornitología Neotropical 22 (1), 69-77, 2011
Novos registros de ninhos e ovos de três espécies de aves do Brasil Central
MÂ Marini, MF Pereira, GM Oliveira, C Melo
Ararajuba 5 (2), 244-245, 1997
Diurnal bird visiting of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. in central Brazil
C Melo
Revista Brasileira de Biologia 61, 311-316, 2001
Artificial roosts as seed dispersal nuclei in a cerrado area in Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil
GÂ Ferreira, C Melo
Biosci. j.(Online), 514-523, 2016
Foraging of the golden-capped parakeet (Aratinga auricapillus) in an anthropogenic landscape in Brazil
PA Silva, C Melo
Ornitología Neotropical 24 (1), 5, 2013
Frugivory in Lacistema hasslerianum Chodat (Lacistemaceae), a gallery forest understory treelet in Central Brazil
C Melo, PE Oliveira
Brazilian Journal of Biology 69, 201-207, 2009
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Articles 1–20