Anna Biedunkiewicz
Cited by
Cited by
Coexistence of Placobdella costata (Fr. Müller, 1846) (Hirudinida: Glossiphoniidae) and mud turtle Emys orbicularis
A Bielecki, JM Cichocka, A Jabłoński, I Jeleń, E Ropelewska, ...
Biologia 67, 731-738, 2012
Impact of pesticide contamination on aquatic microorganism populations in the littoral zone
S Lew, M Lew, A Biedunkiewicz, J Szarek
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 64, 399-409, 2013
Qualitative and Quantitative Changes of Potentially Pathogenic Fungi in a Hydrophyte Wastewater Treatment Plant.
A Biedunkiewicz, T Ozimek
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18 (2), 2009
Fungi of the genus Exophiala in tap water-potential etiological factors of phaeohyphomycoses
A Biedunkiewicz, Ł Schulz
Medical Mycology 19 (1), 23, 2012
Mycological monitoring of selected aquatic ecosystems in the context of epidemiological hazards. Drinking water
A Biedunkiewicz, K Kowalska, L Schulz, K Stojek, M Dynowska, E Ejdys, ...
Annals of parasitology 60 (3), 2014
Species diversity of yeast-like fungi in some eutrophic lakes in Olsztyn
A Biedunkiewicz, M Dynowska, E Ejdys, E Sucharzewska
Acta Mycologica 48 (1), 2013
Snow in the city as a spore bank of potentially pathogenic fungi
E Ejdys, A Biedunkiewicz, M Dynowska, E Sucharzewska
Science of the Total Environment 470, 646-650, 2014
Yeasts and yeast-like fungi as an element of purity assessment of surface waters
A Biedunkiewicz, E Baranowska
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 20 (2), 267-274, 2011
Yeast-like fungi isolated in students
A Biedunkiewicz
Acta Mycologica 42 (1), 2007
Pathogenic Yeast–Like Fungi with Bio–Indicator Properties
M Dynowska, A Biedunkiewicz, E Ejdys
Pol. J. Environ. Stud 10, 13-16, 2001
Dishwashers as an extreme environment of potentially pathogenic yeast species
K Kulesza, A Biedunkiewicz, K Nowacka, M Dynowska, M Urbaniak, ...
Pathogens 10 (4), 446, 2021
Icicles as carriers of yeast-like fungi potentially pathogenic to human
A Biedunkiewicz, E Ejdys
Aerobiologia 27, 333-337, 2011
Results of long-standing mycological analyses of biological materials originating from selected organ ontocenoses-yeast and yeast-like fungi
M Dynowska, K Góralska, P Troska, G Baranska, A Biedunkiewicz, ...
Annals of Parasitology 57 (2), 2011
Yeast-like fungi in selected bath of Szczecin
A Biedunkiewicz, A Silicki, K Mazurkiewicz-Zapałowicz
Limnol. Rev 3, 3-10, 2007
Ampelomyces hyperparasites-occurrence and effect on the development of ascomata of Erysiphales species under conditions of anthropopressure
E Sucharzewska, M Dynowska, D Kubiak, E Ejdys, A Biedunkiewicz
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 81 (3), 2012
Hyperparasites of Erysiphales fungi in the urban environment
E Sucharzewska, M Dynowska, E Ejdys, A Biedunkiewicz, D Kubiak
Pol. J. Natur., Sci 27 (3), 289-299, 2012
Fungi of the genus Penicillium in school buildings
E Ejdys, A Biedunkiewicz
Polish Journal of Evironmental Studies 20 (2), 333-338, 2011
Grzyby chorobotworcze o wzrastajacej ekspansywnosci
M Dynowska, A Biedunkiewicz
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne 47 (4), 609-613, 2001
Microfungi potentially pathogenic for humans reported in surface waters utilized for recreation
A Biedunkiewicz, K Góralska
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 44 (6), 599-609, 2016
Epidemiological importance of yeasts isolated from the beak and cloaca of healthy Charadriiformes
M Dynowska, A Biedunkiewicz, I Kisicka, E Ejdys, D Kubiak, ...
Journal of Veterinary Research 59 (1), 65-69, 2015
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Articles 1–20