Anne Obermann
Anne Obermann
Senior Research Scientist, Lecturer at ETH
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Cited by
Depth sensitivity of seismic coda waves to velocity perturbations in an elastic heterogeneous medium
A Obermann, T Planès, E Larose, C Sens-Schönfelder, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 194 (1), 372-382, 2013
Imaging preeruptive and coeruptive structural and mechanical changes of a volcano with ambient seismic noise
A Obermann, T Planès, E Larose, M Campillo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (12), 6285-6294, 2013
Seismic Ambient Noise
N Nakata, L Gualtieri, A Fichtner
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Potential of ambient seismic noise techniques to monitor the St. Gallen geothermal site (Switzerland)
A Obermann, T Kraft, E Larose, S Wiemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (6), 4301-4316, 2015
Seismic noise correlations to image structural and mechanical changes associated with the Mw 7.9 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
A Obermann, B Froment, M Campillo, E Larose, T Planès, B Valette, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 3155-3168, 2014
Hydraulic stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in underground laboratories: Stepping up the scale towards engineered geothermal systems
VS Gischig, D Giardini, F Amann, M Hertrich, H Krietsch, S Loew, ...
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100175, 2019
Diffuse ultrasound monitoring of stress and damage development on a 15-ton concrete beam
Y Zhang, T Planès, E Larose, A Obermann, C Rospars, G Moreau
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (4), 1691-1701, 2016
Energy from the Earth: Deep Geothermal as a Resource for the Future?
S Hirschberg, S Wiemer, P Burgherr
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, 2014
Lapse-time-dependent coda-wave depth sensitivity to local velocity perturbations in 3-D heterogeneous elastic media
A Obermann, T Planès, C Hadziioannou, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 207 (1), 59-66, 2016
Noise-based monitoring and imaging of aseismic transient deformation induced by the 2006 Basel reservoir stimulation
G Hillers, S Husen, A Obermann, T Planès, E Larose, M Campillo
Geophysics 80 (4), KS51-KS68, 2015
Locating and characterizing a crack in concrete with diffuse ultrasound: A four-point bending test
E Larose, A Obermann, A Digulescu, T Planès, JF Chaix, F Mazerolle, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (1), 232-241, 2015
On the link between stress field and small-scale hydraulic fracture growth in anisotropic rock derived from microseismicity
V Gischig, J Doetsch, H Maurer, H Krietsch, F Amann, KF Evans, M Nejati, ...
Solid Earth 9 (1), 39-61, 2018
4-D noise-based seismology at volcanoes: Ongoing efforts and perspectives
F Brenguier, D Rivet, A Obermann, N Nakata, P Boué, T Lecocq, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 321, 182-195, 2016
3D-ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography of Snæfellsjökull volcano, Iceland
A Obermann, M Lupi, A Mordret, SS Jakobsdóttir, SA Miller
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 317, 42-52, 2016
Multi-disciplinary characterizations of the Bedretto Lab–a unique underground geoscience research facility
X Ma, M Hertrich, F Amann, K Bröker, N Gholizadeh Doonechaly, ...
Solid Earth Discussions, 1-40, 2021
Fault sealing and caprock integrity for CO2 storage: an in situ injection experiment
A Zappone, AP Rinaldi, M Grab, QC Wenning, C Roques, C Madonna, ...
Solid Earth 12 (2), 319-343, 2021
Ambient-noise tomography of the Greater Geneva Basin in a geothermal exploration context
T Planès, A Obermann, V Antunes, M Lupi
Geophysical Journal International 220 (1), 370-383, 2020
Along‐strike variations in the Himalayan orogenic wedge structure in Bhutan from ambient seismic noise tomography
J Singer, A Obermann, E Kissling, H Fang, G Hetényi, D Grujic
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (4), 1483-1498, 2017
The plumbing system feeding the Lusi eruption revealed by ambient noise tomography
MJ Fallahi, A Obermann, M Lupi, K Karyono, A Mazzini
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (10), 8200-8213, 2017
Short‐and long‐term variations in the Reykjanes geothermal reservoir from seismic noise interferometry
P Sánchez‐Pastor, A Obermann, M Schimmel, C Weemstra, A Verdel, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (11), 5788-5798, 2019
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Articles 1–20