David Lawrence Miller
David Lawrence Miller
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland/UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
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Hierarchical generalized additive models in ecology: an introduction with mgcv
EJ Pedersen, DL Miller, GL Simpson, N Ross
PeerJ 7, e6876, 2019
Spatial models for distance sampling data: recent developments and future directions
DL Miller, ML Burt, EA Rexstad, L Thomas
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (11), 1001-1010, 2013
Distance sampling in R
DL Miller, E Rexstad, L Thomas, L Marshall, JL Laake
Journal of Statistical Software 89 (1), 2019
Distance: distance sampling detection function and abundance estimation
DL Miller
R package, 2020
mrds: Mark-recapture distance sampling
J Laake, D Borchers, L Thomas, D Miller, J Bishop
R package, 2020
dsm: Density surface modelling of distance sampling data
DL Miller, EA Rexstad, ML Burt, MV Bravington, S Hedley
R package 2, 2020
Extrapolating cetacean densities to quantitatively assess human impacts on populations in the high seas
L Mannocci, JJ Roberts, DL Miller, PN Halpin
Conservation Biology 31 (3), 601-614, 2017
A spatial conservation prioritization approach for protecting marine birds given proposed offshore wind energy development
KJ Winiarski, DL Miller, PWC Paton, SR McWilliams
Biological Conservation 169, 79-88, 2014
dsmextra: Extrapolation assessment tools for density surface models
PJ Bouchet, DL Miller, JJ Roberts, L Mannocci, CM Harris, L Thomas
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (11), 1464-1469, 2020
Understanding the stochastic partial differential equation approach to smoothing
DL Miller, R Glennie, AE Seaton
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 25 (1), 1-16, 2020
Finite area smoothing with generalized distance splines
DL Miller, SN Wood
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 21, 715-731, 2014
Integrating aerial and ship surveys of marine birds into a combined density surface model: A case study of wintering Common Loons
KJ Winiarski, ML Burt, E Rexstad, DL Miller, CL Trocki, PWC Paton, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116 (2), 149-161, 2014
Modelling the spatiotemporal distribution of the incidence of resident foreign population
G Marra, DL Miller, L Zanin
Statistica Neerlandica 66 (2), 133-160, 2012
Conservation zones promote oak regeneration and shrub diversity in certified Mediterranean oak woodlands
FS Dias, DL Miller, TA Marques, J Marcelino, MC Caldeira, JO Cerdeira, ...
Biological Conservation 195, 226-234, 2016
Mixture models for distance sampling detection functions
DL Miller, L Thomas
PloS one 10 (3), e0118726, 2015
Spatial models of abundance and habitat preferences of commerson’s and peale’s dolphin in southern patagonian waters
NA Dellabianca, GJ Pierce, A Raya Rey, G Scioscia, DL Miller, MA Torres, ...
PloS one 11 (10), e0163441, 2016
Spatially explicit model of wintering common loons: conservation implications
KJ Winiarski, DL Miller, PWC Paton, SR McWilliams
Marine Ecology Progress Series 492, 273-283, 2013
Using density surface models to estimate spatio‐temporal changes in population densities and trend
RJ Camp, DL Miller, L Thomas, ST Buckland, SJ Kendall
Ecography 43 (7), 1079-1089, 2020
Habitat-based density estimates for cetaceans in the California Current Ecosystem based on 1991-2018 survey data
EA Becker, KA Forney, DL Miller, PC Fiedler, J Barlow, JE Moore
Spline‐based nonparametric inference in general state‐switching models
R Langrock, T Adam, V Leos‐Barajas, S Mews, DL Miller, ...
Statistica Neerlandica 72 (3), 179-200, 2018
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Articles 1–20