Ronald Schumann III
Cited by
Cited by
Tornado warning trade-offs: evaluating choices for visually communicating risk
KD Ash, RL Schumann III, GC Bowser
Weather, climate, and society 6 (1), 104-118, 2014
Wildfire recovery as a “hot moment” for creating fire-adapted communities
RL Schumann III, M Mockrin, AD Syphard, J Whittaker, O Price, CJ Gaither, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 42, 101354, 2020
Exposure, social vulnerability and recovery disparities in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy
SL Cutter, RL Schumann III, CT Emrich
Journal of Extreme Events 1 (01), 1450002, 2014
Unseen potential: photovoice methods in hazard and disaster science
RL Schumann, SB Binder, A Greer
GeoJournal 84 (1), 273-289, 2019
Tornado warning perception and response: integrating the roles of visual design, demographics, and hazard experience
RL Schumann III, KD Ash, GC Bowser
Risk analysis 38 (2), 311-332, 2018
Patterns of disaster commemoration in long‐term recovery
EM Zavar, RL Schumann III
Geographical Review 109 (2), 157-179, 2019
Returning home after Superstorm Sandy: phases in the return-entry process
L Siebeneck, R Schumann, BJ Kuenanz, S Lee, BC Benedict, CM Jarvis, ...
Natural Hazards 101 (1), 195-215, 2020
Recovering destination from devastation: Tourism, image, and economy along the hurricane coasts
RL Schumann III
southeastern geographer 53 (2), 136-156, 2013
Gathering places in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
M Nelan, RL Schumann III
Disaster Prevention and Management 27 (5), 2018
" The South Got Something to Say": Resilient Remembering Amid Uncertain Futures
RL Schumann III, AE Potter, MR Cook
Southeastern Geographer 61 (4), 303-321, 2021
Post-disaster communalism: land use, ownership, and the shifting ‘publicness’ of urban space in recovery
EM Zavar, RL Schumann III
Environmental Hazards 19 (4), 398-416, 2020
Teaching social responsibility and geographic literacy through a course on social vulnerability in disasters
RL Schumann III, JL Tunks
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44 (1), 142-159, 2020
Residential taxable value recovery in coastal Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina
S Krueger, J Winkler, RL Schumann III
Local Government Studies 45 (3), 372-393, 2019
Ground truthing spatial disaster recovery metrics with participatory mapping in post-Katrina Mississippi
RL Schumann III
Applied Geography 99, 63-76, 2018
The meaning of place recovery on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
RL Schumann III
University of South Carolina, 2015
Historic landscapes as cooperative animation: Exploring networks of memory with photographic methods
RL Schumann III
Social memory and heritage tourism methodologies, 71-91, 2015
GIS Applications in Emergency Management: Infusing Geographic Literacy in the Classroom
LK Siebeneck, RL Schumann, B Kuenanz
Journal of Emergency Management 17 (2), 119-135, 2019
Gathering Places during the Short-Term Recovery following Hurricane Harvey
RL Schumann III, M Nelan
Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Report, 2018
The geography of social vulnerability and wildfire occurrence (1984–2018) in the conterminous USA
RL Schumann III, CT Emrich, V Butsic, MH Mockrin, Y Zhou, ...
Natural Hazards, 1-31, 2024
A Range of Pandemic Adjustments: Changes to Texas Heritage Site Business Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
S Tamima, E Zavar, BL Lavy, RL Schumann III
Sustainability 16 (7), 2860, 2024
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Articles 1–20