sergio gomez y paloma
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European agricultural landscapes, common agricultural policy and ecosystem services: a review
BT Van Zanten, PH Verburg, M Espinosa, S Gomez-y-Paloma, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 34, 309-325, 2014
Does research applying the DPSIR framework support decision making?
K Tscherning, K Helming, B Krippner, S Sieber, SG y Paloma
Land use policy 29 (1), 102-110, 2012
Incentives and policies for integrated pest management in Europe: a review
M Lefebvre, SRH Langrell, S Gomez-y-Paloma
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 27-45, 2015
Governance, agricultural intensification, and land sparing in tropical South America
MG Ceddia, NO Bardsley, S Gomez-y-Paloma, S Sedlacek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), 7242-7247, 2014
Income elasticities for food, calories and nutrients across Africa: A meta-analysis
L Colen, PC Melo, Y Abdul-Salam, D Roberts, S Mary, SGY Paloma
Food Policy 77, 116-132, 2018
Land fragmentation and production diversification: A case study from rural Albania
P Ciaian, F Guri, M Rajcaniova, D Drabik, SG y Paloma
Land use policy 76, 589-599, 2018
Agricultural landscapes as multi-scale public good and the role of the Common Agricultural Policy
M Lefebvre, M Espinosa, S Gomez y Paloma, ML Paracchini, A Piorr, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 (12), 2088-2112, 2015
Sustainable agricultural intensification or Jevons paradox? The role of public governance in tropical South America
MG Ceddia, S Sedlacek, NO Bardsley, S Gomez-y-Paloma
Global Environmental Change 23 (5), 1052-1063, 2013
Economic impacts of CAP greening: application of an EU-wide individual farm model for CAP analysis (IFM-CAP)
K Louhichi, P Ciaian, M Espinosa, A Perni, S Gomez y Paloma
European Review of Agricultural Economics 45 (2), 205-238, 2018
Economic experiments as a tool for agricultural policy evaluation: insights from the European CAP
L Colen, S Gomez y Paloma, U Latacz‐Lohmann, M Lefebvre, R Préget, ...
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2016
The role of smallholder farms in food and nutrition security
S Gomez y Paloma, L Riesgo, K Louhichi
Springer Nature, 2020
A farm household model for agri-food policy analysis in developing countries: Application to smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone
K Louhichi, SG y Paloma
Food Policy 45, 1-13, 2014
Between capital investments and capacity building—Development and application of a conceptual framework towards a place-based rural development policy
I Zasada, M Reutter, A Piorr, M Lefebvre, SG y Paloma
Land use policy 46, 178-188, 2015
Farm type effects of an EU‐wide direct payment harmonisation
A Gocht, W Britz, P Ciaian, SG Paloma
Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (1), 1-32, 2013
Labelling of agricultural and food products of mountain farming
F Santini, F Guri, S Gomez y Paloma
Proyecto encargado por la Dirección General de Agricultura y Desarrollo …, 2013
Farm-household investment behaviour and the CAP decoupling: Methodological issues in assessing policy impacts
D Viaggi, M Raggi, SG y Paloma
Journal of Policy Modeling 33 (1), 127-145, 2011
The influence of the Common Agricultural Policy on agricultural landscapes
M Lefebvre, M Espinosa, S Gomez y Paloma
JS a. P. Report, European Commission, Joint Research Center 7, 2012
Income distributional effects of CAP subsidies: micro evidence from the EU
P Ciaian, A Kancs, SG Paloma
Outlook on Agriculture 44 (1), 19-28, 2015
Does the crop diversification measure impact EU farmers’ decisions? An assessment using an Individual Farm Model for CAP Analysis (IFM-CAP)
K Louhichi, P Ciaian, M Espinosa, L Colen, A Perni, SG y Paloma
Land Use Policy 66, 250-264, 2017
Understanding the determinants of investment reactions to decoupling of the Common Agricultural Policy
D Viaggi, M Raggi, SG y Paloma
Land Use Policy 28 (3), 495-505, 2011
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Articles 1–20