Dimitri Veldkornet
Cited by
Cited by
Distribution of macrophyte species and habitats in South African estuaries
JB Adams, D Veldkornet, P Tabot
South African Journal of Botany 107, 5-11, 2016
Where do you draw the line? Determining the transition thresholds between estuarine salt marshes and terrestrial vegetation
DA Veldkornet, JB Adams, AJ Potts
South African Journal of Botany 101, 153-159, 2015
The distribution of salt marsh macrophyte species in relation to physicochemical variables
DA Veldkornet, AJ Potts, JB Adams
South African Journal of Botany 107, 84-90, 2016
Characteristics and landcover of estuarine boundaries: implications for the delineation of the South African estuarine functional zone
DA Veldkornet, JB Adams, L Van Niekerk
African Journal of Marine Science 37 (3), 313-323, 2015
Oil induces chlorophyll deficient propagules in mangroves
D Veldkornet, A Rajkaran, S Paul, G Naidoo
Marine pollution bulletin 150, 110667, 2020
A phylogeographic break in a South African coastal saltmarsh macrophyte, Juncus kraussii
AJ Potts, DA Veldkornet, JB Adams
South African Journal of Botany 107, 80-83, 2016
Estuarine habitat
JB Adams, GC Snow, DA Veldkornet
South African National Biodiversity Assessment, 50-59, 2011
Predicting shifts in the geographical distribution of two estuarine plant species from the subtropical and temperate regions of South Africa
DA Veldkornet, A Rajkaran
Wetlands 39 (6), 1179-1188, 2019
Updated estuary habitat and plant species data
JB Adams, GC Snow, DA Veldkornet
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, 2010
Biodiversity & Vegetation: Patterns, Processes, Conservation
L Mucina, JN Price, JM Kalwij
Kwongan Foundation: Perth, Australia, 2014
Barcoding of estuarine macrophytes and phylogenetic diversity of estuaries along the South African coastline
DA Veldkornet, JB Adams, JS Boatwright, A Rajkaran
Genome 62 (9), 585-595, 2019
Estuarine species and habitat: distribution and connectivity
DA Veldkornet
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University; Faculty of Scince, 2016
The Influence of Macroclimatic Drivers on the Macrophyte Phylogenetic Diversity in South African Estuaries
DA Veldkornet
Diversity 15 (9), 986, 2023
The phylogeography and genetic diversity of the salt marsh species Salicornia tegetaria (S. Steffen, L. Mucina and G. Kadereit) Piirainen and G. Kadereit, endemic to South …
CE Brown, DA Veldkornet, JS Boatwright, A Engelbrecht, A Rajkaran
South African Journal of Botany 123, 270-277, 2019
Morphological Vairation and Species Diversity of South African Estuarine Macrophytes
DA Veldkornet
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012
NBA 2018: Mapped estuarine habitat in South Africa.
J Adams, D Veldkornet, J Wasserman, L Naidoo, M Fernandes, N Jafta, ...
CSIR, 2019
Indicators of change: Habitat boundaries between salt marshes and terrestrial vegetation
D Veldkornet, J Adams, L Van Niekerk
ACCESS, 28, 0
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Articles 1–17