Isabel Günther
Cited by
Cited by
Informal employment: Opportunity or last resort?
I Günther, A Launov
Journal of development economics 97 (1), 88-98, 2012
The effect of water and sanitation on child health: evidence from the demographic and health surveys 1986–2007
G Fink, I Günther, K Hill
International journal of epidemiology 40 (5), 1196-1204, 2011
Estimating households vulnerability to idiosyncratic and covariate shocks: A novel method applied in Madagascar
I Günther, K Harttgen
World Development 37 (7), 1222-1234, 2009
Deadly cities? Spatial inequalities in mortality in sub‐Saharan Africa
I Günther, K Harttgen
Population and Development Review 38 (3), 469-486, 2012
Slum residence and child health in developing countries
G Fink, I Günther, K Hill
Demography 51 (4), 1175-1197, 2014
Water, sanitation and children's health: evidence from 172 DHS surveys
I Günther, G Fink
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2010
Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in poor urban neighborhoods: The case of Accra and Johannesburg
K Durizzo, E Asiedu, A Van der Merwe, A Van Niekerk, I Günther
World Development 137, 105175, 2021
Descending the sanitation ladder in urban Uganda: evidence from Kampala Slums
J Kwiringira, P Atekyereza, C Niwagaba, I Günther
BMC public health 14, 1-10, 2014
Desired fertility and number of children born across time and space
I Günther, K Harttgen
Demography 53, 55-83, 2016
Competitive and segmented informal labor markets
I Günther, A Launov
IZA discussion papers, 2006
Gender variations in access, choice to use and cleaning of shared latrines; experiences from Kampala Slums, Uganda
J Kwiringira, P Atekyereza, C Niwagaba, I Günther
BMC public health 14, 1-11, 2014
Making an impact? The relevance of information on aid effectiveness for charitable giving. A laboratory experiment
L Metzger, I Günther
Journal of Development Economics 136, 18-33, 2019
Saving a life-year and reaching MDG 4 with investments in water and sanitation: A cost-effective policy?
I Günther, G Fink
The European Journal of Development Research 25, 129-153, 2013
Growth and poverty in Burkina Faso: A reassessment of the paradox
M Grimm, I Günther
Journal of African Economies 16 (1), 70-101, 2007
Pumps, germs and storage: the impact of improved water containers on water quality and health
I Günther, Y Schipper
Health Economics 22 (7), 757-774, 2013
Inflation inequality and pro-poor growth
I Günther, M Grimm
Journal of Development Economics 82 (1), 245-256, 2007
Why do households invest in sanitation in rural B enin: Health, wealth, or prestige?
E Gross, I Günther
Water Resources Research 50 (10), 8314-8329, 2014
When is shared sanitation improved sanitation?-The correlation between number of users and toilet hygiene
I Günther, CB Niwagaba, C Lüthi, A Horst, HJ Mosler, IK Tumwebaze
ETH NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, 2012
Fertility choice, mortality expectations, and interdependent preferences—an empirical analysis
D Canning, I Günther, S Linnemayr, D Bloom
European Economic Review 63, 273-289, 2013
Women are walking and waiting for water: The time value of public water supply
E Gross, I Günther, Y Schipper
Economic development and cultural change 66 (3), 489-517, 2018
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Articles 1–20