Khidir Hilu
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Cited by
Angiosperm phylogeny: 17 genes, 640 taxa
DE Soltis, SA Smith, N Cellinese, KJ Wurdack, DC Tank, SF Brockington, ...
American journal of botany 98 (4), 704-730, 2011
Angiosperm phylogeny based on <011>matK sequence information
KW Hilu, T Borsch, K Müller, DE Soltis, PS Soltis, V Savolainen, ...
American journal of botany 90 (12), 1758-1776, 2003
Noncoding plastid trnTtrnF sequences reveal a well resolved phylogeny of basal angiosperms
T Borsch, KW Hilu, D Quandt, V Wilde, C Neinhuis, W Barthlott
Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (4), 558-576, 2003
The matK gene: sequence variation and application in plant systematics
KW Hilu, gping Liang
American journal of botany 84 (6), 830-839, 1997
Multigene analyses of monocot relationships
MW Chase, MF Fay, DS Devey, O Maurin, N Rĝnsted, TJ Davies, Y Pillon, ...
Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Floristic Botany 22 (1), 63-75, 2006
Land plant evolutionary timeline: gene effects are secondary to fossil constraints in relaxed clock estimation of age and substitution rates
S Magallón, KW Hilu, D Quandt
American Journal of Botany 100 (3), 556-573, 2013
Contemporaneous radiations of fungi and plants linked to symbiosis
F Lutzoni, MD Nowak, ME Alfaro, V Reeb, J Miadlikowska, M Krug, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 5451, 2018
Genome-scale data, angiosperm relationships, and ‘ending incongruence’: a cautionary tale in phylogenetics
DE Soltis, VA Albert, V Savolainen, K Hilu, YL Qiu, MW Chase, JS Farris, ...
Trends in plant science 9 (10), 477-483, 2004
Domestication ofEleusine coracana
KW Hilu, JMJ De Wet
Economic Botany 30 (3), 199-208, 1976
Phylogenetic analyses of basal angiosperms based on nine plastid, mitochondrial, and nuclear genes
YL Qiu, O Dombrovska, J Lee, L Li, BA Whitlock, F Bernasconi-Quadroni, ...
International Journal of Plant Sciences 166 (5), 815-842, 2005
Phylogenetic analysis of Magnoliales and Myristicaceae based on multiple data sets: implications for character evolution
H Sauquet, JA Doyle, T Scharaschkin, T Borsch, KW Hilu, LW Chatrou, ...
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 142 (2), 125-186, 2003
Polyploidy and the evolution of domesticated plants
KW Hilu
American journal of botany 80 (12), 1494-1499, 1993
Protein, calcium, iron, and amino acid content of selected wild and domesticated cultivars of finger millet
WE Barbeau, KW Hilu
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 43, 97-104, 1993
Phylogeny of Aristolochiaceae based on parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of trnL-trnF sequences
C Neinhuis, S Wanke, KW Hilu, K Müller, T Borsch
Plant Systematics and Evolution 250, 7-26, 2005
Convenient method for studying grass leaf epidermis
KW Hilu, JL Randall
Taxon 33 (3), 413-415, 1984
Phylogeny of the Caryophyllales sensu lato: revisiting hypotheses on pollination biology and perianth differentiation in the core Caryophyllales
SF Brockington, R Alexandre, J Ramdial, MJ Moore, S Crawley, ...
International Journal of Plant Sciences 170 (5), 627-643, 2009
Archaeobotanical studies of Eleusine coracana ssp. coracana (finger millet)
KW Hilu, JMJ De Wet, JR Harlan
American Journal of Botany 66 (3), 330-333, 1979
Phylogeny of Poaceae inferred from matK sequences
KW Hilu, LA Alice, H Liang
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 835-851, 1999
Phylogenetic utility of rapidly evolving DNA at high taxonomical levels: contrasting matK, trnT-F, and rbcL in basal angiosperms
KF Müller, T Borsch, KW Hilu
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 41 (1), 99-117, 2006
The role of single-gene mutations in the evolution of flowering plants
KW Hilu
Evolutionary biology: volume 16, 97-128, 1983
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Articles 1–20