Edward R Sykes
Cited by
Cited by
A prototype for an intelligent tutoring system for students learning to program in java (tm)
ER Sykes, F Franek
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced …, 2003
Interruptions in the workplace: A case study to reduce their effects
ER Sykes
International journal of information management 31 (4), 385-394, 2011
Determining the effectiveness of the 3D Alice programming environment at the computer science I level
ER Sykes
Journal of Educational Computing Research 36 (2), 223-244, 2007
New methods of mobile computing: From smartphones to smart education
ER Sykes
TechTrends 58, 26-37, 2014
Context-aware mobile apps using iBeacons: towards smarter interactions
ER Sykes, S Pentland, S Nardi
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Computer Science …, 2015
Developmental process model for the Java intelligent tutoring system
E Sykes
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 18 (3), 399-410, 2007
Qualitative evaluation of the java intelligent tutoring system
ER Sykes
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2006
MyHealthPortal – A web-based e-Healthcare web portal for out-of-hospital patient care
SK Tanbeer, ER Sykes
Digital Health 7, 2055207621989194, 2021
Design, Development and Evaluation of the Java Intelligent Tutoring System.
ER Sykes
Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning 8 (1), 2010
Presenting JECA: a Java error correcting algorithm for the Java Intelligent Tutoring System
ER Sykes, F Franek
IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and …, 2004
A cloud-based interaction management system architecture for mobile devices
ER Sykes
Procedia Computer Science 34, 625-632, 2014
A context-aware system using mobile applications and beacons for on-premise security environments
ER Sykes
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11 (11), 5487-5511, 2020
Inside the Java intelligent tutoring system prototype: Parsing student code submissions with intent recognition
ER Sykes, F Franek
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced …, 2004
MPI enhancements in John the Ripper
ER Sykes, M Lin, W Skoczen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 256 (1), 012024, 2010
Optimized virtual reality-based Method of Loci memorization techniques through increased immersion and effective memory palace designs: a feasibility study
B Moll, E Sykes
Virtual Reality 27 (2), 941-966, 2023
A deep learning computer vision iPad application for Sales Rep optimization in the field
ER Sykes
The Visual Computer 38 (2), 729-748, 2022
An improved parallel implementation of RainbowCrack using MPI
ER Sykes, W Skoczen
Journal of Computational Science 5 (3), 536-541, 2014
Web-Based Architecture of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Remote Students Learning to Program Java
ER Sykes, F Franek
Online im Internet: http://www. research. att. com/~ rjana/sykes_franek. pdf …, 2003
NewPneu: a novel cost effective mHealth system for diagnosing childhood pneumonia in low-resource settings
T El Salti, ER Sykes, W Zajac, S Abdullah, S Khoja
2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile …, 2019
JavaTM intelligent tutoring system model and architecture
ER Sykes
Proceedings of American Association of Artificial Intelligence Spring …, 2003
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Articles 1–20