Kenzo Kaifu
Kenzo Kaifu
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Synergistic patterns of threat and the challenges facing global anguillid eel conservation
DMP Jacoby, JM Casselman, V Crook, MB DeLucia, H Ahn, K Kaifu, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 4, 321-333, 2015
Environmental DNA analysis reveals the spatial distribution, abundance, and biomass of Japanese eels at the river‐basin scale
H Itakura, R Wakiya, S Yamamoto, K Kaifu, T Sato, T Minamoto
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (3), 361-373, 2019
Underwater sound detection by cephalopod statocyst
K Kaifu, T Akamatsu, S Segawa
Fisheries science 74, 781-786, 2008
Important questions to progress science and sustainable management of anguillid eels
D Righton, A Piper, K Aarestrup, E Amilhat, C Belpaire, J Casselman, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (4), 762-788, 2021
Diet of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan
K Kaifu, S Miyazaki, J Aoyama, S Kimura, K Tsukamoto
Environmental Biology of Fishes 96, 439-446, 2013
Dispersal of yellow phase Japanese eels Anguilla japonica after recruitment in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan
K Kaifu, M Tamura, J Aoyama, K Tsukamoto
Environmental Biology of Fishes 88, 273-282, 2010
Marine invertebrates and noise
M Solé, K Kaifu, TA Mooney, SL Nedelec, F Olivier, AN Radford, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1129057, 2023
Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM working group on eels (WGEEL)
E Amilhat, T Basic, L Beaulaton, C Belpaire, P Bernotas, C Briand, ...
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2019
Anguillid eels as a surrogate species for conservation of freshwater biodiversity in Japan
H Itakura, R Wakiya, M Gollock, K Kaifu
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8790, 2020
Biological characteristics of silver-phase Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica, collected from Hamana Lake, Japan
K Yokouchi, R Sudo, K Kaifu, J Aoyama, K Tsukamoto
Coastal Marine Science 33 (1), 1-10, 2009
Asymmetric dispersal structures a riverine metapopulation of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera laevis
A Terui, Y Miyazaki, A Yoshioka, K Kaifu, SS Matsuzaki, I Washitani
Ecology and Evolution 4 (15), 3004-3014, 2014
Contribution to the understanding of particle motion perception in marine invertebrates
M André, K Kaifu, M Solé, M Van Der Schaar, T Akamatsu, A Balastegui, ...
The effects of noise on aquatic life II, 47-55, 2016
Evidence of niche segregation between freshwater eels and conger eels in Kojima Bay, Japan
K Kaifu, MJ Miller, J Aoyama, I Washitani, K Tsukamoto
Fisheries science 79, 593-603, 2013
Behavioral responses to underwater sound in the small benthic octopus Octopus ocellatus
K Kaifu, S Segawa, K Tsuchiya
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan 34 (4), 266-273, 2007
Growth conditions after recruitment determine residence-emigration tactics of female Japanese eels Anguilla japonica
R Wakiya, K Kaifu, N Mochioka
Fisheries science 82, 729-736, 2016
Age, growth, and sex ratios of the giant mottled eel, Anguilla marmorata, in freshwater habitats near its northern geographic limit: a comparison to tropical regions
R Wakiya, H Itakura, K Kaifu
Zoological Studies 58, 2019
Discrimination of wild and cultured Japanese eels based on otolith stable isotope ratios
K Kaifu, H Itakura, Y Amano, K Shirai, K Yokouchi, R Wakiya, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (2), 719-726, 2018
Growth differences of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica between fresh and brackish water habitats in relation to annual food consumption in the Kojima Bay‐Asahi …
K Kaifu, MJ Miller, T Yada, J Aoyama, I Washitani, K Tsukamoto
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22 (1), 127-136, 2013
Global exploitation of freshwater eels (genus Anguilla): fisheries, stock status and illegal trade
K Kaifu, F Stein, W Dekker, N Walker, CA Dolloff, K Steele, AA Aguirre, ...
Eels Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation: Proceedings …, 2019
Cumulative effects of low‐height barriers on distributions of catadromous Japanese eels in Japan
K Yokouchi, H Itakura, R Wakiya, T Yoshinaga, N Mochioka, S Kimura, ...
Animal Conservation 25 (1), 137-149, 2022
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Articles 1–20