Fatema Akbar
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Cited by
What affects students’ acceptance and use of technology?
F Akbar
Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
Email makes you sweat: Examining email interruptions and stress using thermal imaging
F Akbar, AE Bayraktaroglu, P Buddharaju, DR Da Cunha Silva, G Gao, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
An empirical study comparing unobtrusive physiological sensors for stress detection in computer work
F Akbar, G Mark, I Pavlidis, R Gutierrez-Osuna
Sensors 19 (17), 3766, 2019
Physicians’ electronic inbox work patterns and factors associated with high inbox work duration
F Akbar, G Mark, EM Warton, ME Reed, S Prausnitz, JA East, MF Moeller, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (5), 923-930, 2021
Physician stress during electronic health record inbox work: in situ measurement with wearable sensors
F Akbar, G Mark, S Prausnitz, EM Warton, JA East, MF Moeller, ME Reed, ...
JMIR Medical Informatics 9 (4), e24014, 2021
Alignment between heart rate variability from fitness trackers and perceived stress: Perspectives from a large-scale in situ longitudinal study of information workers
GJ Martinez, T Grover, SM Mattingly, G Mark, S D’Mello, T Aledavood, ...
JMIR human factors 9 (3), e33754, 2022
Evaluation of attention switching and duration of electronic inbox work among primary care physicians
TA Lieu, EM Warton, JA East, MF Moeller, S Prausnitz, M Ballesca, ...
JAMA network open 4 (1), e2031856-e2031856, 2021
Stress and productivity patterns of interrupted, synergistic, and antagonistic office activities
S Zaman, A Wesley, DRDC Silva, P Buddharaju, F Akbar, G Gao, G Mark, ...
Scientific data 6 (1), 264, 2019
What affects students’ acceptance and use of technology? Senior Honors Thesis
F Akbar
Information Systems, Dietrich College, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
Characterizing work-life for information work on mars: A design fiction for the new future of work on earth
R Linder, C Hunter, J McLemore, S Dutta, F Akbar, T Grover, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (GROUP), 1-27, 2022
The effects of virtual agents' characteristics on user impressions and language use
F Akbar, T Grover, G Mark, MX Zhou
Companion Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent …, 2018
What’s in the Store? A Review of Arabic Medical and Health Apps in the App Store
F Akbar, L Fernandez-Luque
2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 413-413, 2016
#Sleep_as_Android: Feasibility of Using Sleep Logs on Twitter for Sleep Studies
F Akbar, I Weber
2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 227-233, 2016
Stress and Human-Computer Interaction at the Workplace: Unobtrusive Tracking With Wearable Sensors and Computer Logs
F Akbar
University of California, Irvine, 2021
Engagement and progression in open online'Micro Lessons': An analysis of learners’ log data from an online learning platform
F Akbar, T Yasseri
Proceedings of the AUBH E-Learning Conference, 2021
Using sensors to measure inbox stress
F Akbar
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 28 (1), 19-23, 2021
Politicization Of Migrant Communities In The Gcc As Seen On Twitter
F Akbar, I Weber, D Osman, Z Babar
Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings Volume 2014 Issue 1 …, 2014
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Articles 1–17