Yolima Carrillo
Yolima Carrillo
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University
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Cited by
Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming
TW Crowther, KEO Todd-Brown, CW Rowe, WR Wieder, JC Carey, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 104-108, 2016
Rhizosphere priming: a nutrient perspective
FA Dijkstra, Y Carrillo, E Pendall, JA Morgan
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 216, 2013
C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grassland
JA Morgan, DR LeCain, E Pendall, DM Blumenthal, BA Kimball, Y Carrillo, ...
Nature 476 (7359), 202-205, 2011
A trade-off between plant and soil carbon storage under elevated CO2
C Terrer, RP Phillips, BA Hungate, J Rosende, J Pett-Ridge, ME Craig, ...
Nature 591 (7851), 599-603, 2021
The fate of carbon in a mature forest under carbon dioxide enrichment
M Jiang, BE Medlyn, JE Drake, RA Duursma, IC Anderson, CVM Barton, ...
Nature 580 (7802), 227-231, 2020
Climate change alters stoichiometry of phosphorus and nitrogen in a semiarid grassland
FA Dijkstra, E Pendall, JA Morgan, DM Blumenthal, Y Carrillo, DR LeCain, ...
New Phytologist 196 (3), 807-815, 2012
Rhizosphere stoichiometry: are C: N: P ratios of plants, soils, and enzymes conserved at the plant species‐level?
C Bell, Y Carrillo, CM Boot, JD Rocca, E Pendall, MD Wallenstein
New Phytologist 201 (2), 505-517, 2014
Soil properties drive microbial community structure in a large scale transect in South Eastern Australia
PP Xue, Y Carrillo, V Pino, B Minasny, AB McBratney
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11725, 2018
Contrasting effects of elevated CO2 and warming on nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland
FA Dijkstra, D Blumenthal, JA Morgan, E Pendall, Y Carrillo, RF Follett
New Phytologist 187 (2), 426-437, 2010
Soil fauna alter the effects of litter composition on nitrogen cycling in a mineral soil
Y Carrillo, BA Ball, MA Bradford, CF Jordan, M Molina
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (7), 1440-1449, 2011
Impacts of warming and elevated CO2 on a semi‐arid grassland are non‐additive, shift with precipitation, and reverse over time
KE Mueller, DM Blumenthal, E Pendall, Y Carrillo, FA Dijkstra, ...
Ecology Letters 19 (8), 956-966, 2016
Faster turnover of new soil carbon inputs under increased atmospheric CO2
KJ van Groenigen, CW Osenberg, C Terrer, Y Carrillo, FA Dijkstra, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (10), 4420-4429, 2017
Ensuring planetary survival: the centrality of organic carbon in balancing the multifunctional nature of soils
PM Kopittke, AA Berhe, Y Carrillo, TR Cavagnaro, D Chen, QL Chen, ...
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 52 (23), 4308-4324, 2022
Soil microbial community resistance to drought and links to C stabilization in an Australian grassland
A Canarini, Y Carrillo, P Mariotte, L Ingram, FA Dijkstra
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 103, 171-180, 2016
Plant traits, stoichiometry and microbes as drivers of decomposition in the rhizosphere in a temperate grassland
Y Carrillo, C Bell, A Koyama, A Canarini, CM Boot, M Wallenstein, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2017
Response of soil organic matter pools to elevated CO2 and warming in a semi-arid grassland
Y Carrillo, E Pendall, FA Dijkstra, JA Morgan, JM Newcomb
Plant and Soil 347, 339-350, 2011
Plant rhizosphere influence on microbial C metabolism: the role of elevated CO2, N availability and root stoichiometry
Y Carrillo, FA Dijkstra, E Pendall, D LeCain, C Tucker
Biogeochemistry 117, 229-240, 2014
Biomass distribution, growth and decay of Egeria densa in a tropical high-mountain reservoir (NEUSA, Colombia)
Y Carrillo, A Guarín, G Guillot
Aquatic botany 85 (1), 7-15, 2006
Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland
Y Carrillo, FA Dijkstra, D LeCain, JA Morgan, D Blumenthal, S Waldron, ...
Oecologia 175, 699-711, 2014
Warming reduces carbon losses from grassland exposed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide
E Pendall, JL Heisler-White, DG Williams, FA Dijkstra, Y Carrillo, ...
PLoS One 8 (8), e71921, 2013
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Articles 1–20