Professor Michelle Mycoo
Professor Michelle Mycoo
Urban & Regional Planning, Dept Geomatics Eng & Land Management, University of the West Indies
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Cited by
Cited by
Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat
IPCC Report-Rapport du GIEC, 2022
The peri-urban interface: approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use
DFM McGregor, D Simon, DA Thompson
Earthscan/James & James, 2006
Technical summary
HO Pörtner, DC Roberts, H Adams, I Adelekan, C Adler, R Adrian, ...
Climate change, 37-118, 2022
Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
HO Pörtner, DC Roberts, H Adams, C Adler, P Aldunce, E Ali, ...
IPCC, 2022
Beyond 1.5 C: vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for Caribbean Small Island developing states
MA Mycoo
Regional environmental change 18 (8), 2341-2353, 2018
Sustainable tourism using regulations, market mechanisms and green certification: a case study of Barbados
M Mycoo
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 14 (5), 489-511, 2006
Small islands
M Mycoo, M Wairiu, D Campbell, V Duvat, Y Golbuu, S Maharaj, J Nalau, ...
IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report, 2022
Sustainable tourism, climate change and sea level rise adaptation policies in B arbados
M Mycoo
Natural Resources Forum 38 (1), 47-57, 2014
The retreat of the upper and middle classes to gated communities in the poststructural adjustment era: the case of Trinidad
M Mycoo
Environment and Planning A 38 (1), 131-148, 2006
A blue urban agenda: adapting to climate change in the coastal cities of Caribbean and Pacific Small Island Developing States
M Mycoo, MG Donovan
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Autonomous household responses and urban governance capacity building for climate change adaptation: Georgetown, Guyana
MA Mycoo
Urban Climate 9, 134-154, 2014
Adaptation to climate change: the coastal zone of Barbados
M Mycoo, A Chadwick
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 165 …, 2012
Achieving SDG 6: water resources sustainability in Caribbean Small Island Developing States through improved water governance
MA Mycoo
Natural Resources Forum 42 (1), 54-68, 2018
Small island developing states in a post‐pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action
AM Foley, S Moncada, M Mycoo, P Nunn, V Tandrayen‐Ragoobur, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e769, 2022
La segregación socio-espacial urbana: Una mirada sobre Puebla, Puerto España, San José y San Salvador
AM Séguin, PN Poblete, FLACSO (Organization). Sede Costa Rica
FLACSO-Costa Rica, 2006
Water Resources Management: Trinidad’s Developmental and Environmental Policy in Action Saving Small Island Developing States: Environmental and Natural Resource Challenges
M Mycoo
Commonwealth Secretariat, 2010
Understanding “islandness”
A Foley, L Brinklow, J Corbett, I Kelman, C Klöck, S Moncada, M Mycoo, ...
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113 (8), 1800-1817, 2023
Communicating climate change in rural coastal communities
M Mycoo
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 7 (1), 58-75, 2015
A Caribbean new urban agenda post-habitat III: closing the gaps
MA Mycoo
Habitat International 69, 68-77, 2017
Land management and environmental change in small-island-developing states: the case of St. Lucia
MA Mycoo, C Griffith-Charles, S Lalloo
Regional Environmental Change 17, 1065-1076, 2017
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Articles 1–20